早些年頭教會有一個女會友欠銀行近二十多萬卡數,當時很多相孰的會友都不明白,平日衫都唔穿得光鮮一點的她,怎麼會欠近廿多萬卡數!? 我相信,實質她用來消費的數目並不多, 可能只是一萬幾千!近廿多萬當中大部份是卡蓋卡數的利息。在爆煲前,我相信她已還給卡公司數倍 "本金" 的$了!
欠債還錢,當然是道理,但一牽涉利息,就不如想像中簡單!特別是利息是以複式"成長"。假以時日,複利會帶你去"無限"。即使物質世界宇宙幾大得不可想像,也不可能是無限的。科學家何"大一"正正表達呢一點。只有數字才會不受物質世界所限無止境地"成長"! 中國人的放貸人亦深名此道理,是以呢行叫 "放數",借出去的不單是本金,仲有一條"數"。
Aristotle, one of the fathers of Western thought, wrote in his 350 B.C. work, Politics, in Book One, Part X, that usury is the lending of money at interest:
“The most hated sort, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. And this term interest, which means the birth of money from money, is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent. Wherefore of an modes of getting wealth this is the most unnatural.”
這是 "種金之術"。 好多問財仔借$的人連乜叫 rule of 72都未識,一如向自己股票行按股票的"富豪",都是死於無知,或為勢所迫。 行得入財仔門口,人家都跟本預左你有一天走上破產之路,問題只是.....可向個債仔"吸到幾多血",先是家人,後而朋友......如在未開發地方,家產,老婆、子女、甚至於自己都要賣身為奴!
如我身邊有人 "中了招", 我會毫不猶疑叫佢即時破產。再有乜事搵警察。