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1. 以前新樓的地毯面積很易計 2013-05-24 09:34:10
2. 樓價下跌是因為人惡所謂 2013-05-24 10:01:14
3. 白痴 2013-05-24 10:25:01
4. 香港有很多白痴 2013-05-24 11:24:32
5. 亮劍 2013-05-24 12:16:01
如果 14 年到 17 年間,真正有樓災呢回事,咁今次重災區會係喺中小型上車盤嗰度!
6. 亮劍 2013-05-24 12:16:39
如果 14 年到 17 年間,真正有樓災呢回事,咁今次重災區會係喺中小型上車盤嗰度!
7. 掹車邊80後 2013-05-24 12:34:36
cy真係.....用埋d人, 除左高永文同林鄭,  完全無個掂

劏房又有 (不過仲未肯改),   互租呃房津又有 (希望香港仲有法治),  仲有個得到曾特首祝福無端端搞交易所, "疑似"洗黑錢的張震遠 同埋  湯顯明(唔係cy team, 但如果最後竟然咁都無事唔法辦, 真係好懷疑ICAC同大陸個反貪紀委有乜分別)
8. 小業主就唔好彩了 2013-05-24 12:37:08


如果香港惡人......人惡........要推跌樓價, 下跌是因為人惡所謂............這一批小業主就唔好彩了..........
9. 舊文翻貼 (2 months ago) 2013-05-24 13:13:16
舊文翻貼 (2 months ago)

2013年5月23日下午11:00公開累積瀏覽 0 0

海嘯前 yen 最低做過 125 , 為何日本經濟這麼差 , 為何 yen 可以一路升到一兩年前新高的 76 ?


海嘯前 , 好多人、機抅借入平息的日元 , 再將 yen 賣出轉成美元 , 再買股票 , 或者直接買入澳元紐元等套息 (這叫Carry Trade) , 這會使到日元海嘯前不斷下跌.

由於 Japan "向外" 濫借非常嚴重 , 金融海嘯爆發後 , 所有投資工具價格同時大跌 , 投資者同時賣出投資產品後 , 所有人同時去把美金轉成日元去還 yen loans , 這一下子使到 yen demands 大升而 yen 大升值 而這個 yen 升浪使到日本政府一直十分頭痛 , 之前多次干預後仍都束手無策 (與你說的原因無關

這就是當年日元愈印愈升的主要原因 , 這好似是有違正常的常理 , 因為常理話我知 , 愈印愈多 , 愈多應該愈跌 , 但是現實不是這樣

今次 yen , 係安倍再去加大幾倍 QE 規模去中和、蓋過之前 carry trade 投資者拆倉使到 yen 升值的

impacts .


不過 , 問題又來 , 如果  investment market 將來又跌 , 這次對 yen 的升值反噬力只會更強 , 因為 yen 再加大 QE "向外" 濫借規模 . 如果印銀紙可以解決問題就好客易搞

如果不知道第一條問題的答案 , 就算可以借到 yen loan carry trade , 都千萬不要借 , 淨係由 yen 升值對 yen loans 所產生的匯兌損失 , 可以令您不明不白的輸獲

10. 樓市「爆煲」機會很高 2013-05-24 13:13:35


11. 冧市走貨中價樓急劈 2013-05-24 13:15:29


12. today 星島日報 2013-05-24 13:18:21

資金避險圓匯攀近100關風險資產冚倉日股急挫帶動 (星島日報)


美國聯儲局減少購債的風險愈來高,令日股昨被大舉拋售加上最新數據顯示中經濟正在放緩,促使資金湧入日圓避險帶動兌美元從周三的 放緩,促使資金湧入日圓避險帶動兌美元從周三的 放緩,昨日曾升逾 年半低位大幅反彈,昨日曾升逾 2% , 再度逼近 100


投資者避險情緒升溫,帶動日圓昨攀高位曾漲見 投資者避險情緒升溫,帶動日圓昨攀高位曾漲見 投資者避險情緒升溫,帶動日圓昨攀高位曾漲見 100.83 兌 1美元,升幅 2.26% ,為今年 2月 25 日以來最大單升幅,亦為 5月 10 日以來的新高;到紐約早段,圓匯升幅收窄至 日以來的新高;

13. mini 2013-05-24 20:11:04

Long, long time ago, the HKG has demolished the Interest Rates Agreement (IRA) between the banks in HK for providing a good competition, but we could not see any contingency plans such as land bank against the domestic & international demands,  and special currency measures against the excess liquidity from the Asian currencies crisis in 1997/98 & the global financial tsunami 2008/09... It seems that the responsibles, including the ExCo members,  for the land & the housing policies can only Wait & See... (i.e. citizens have been hi-jacked/locked up for years!)


Not only just wait & see, the officials approved special duties such as SSD, 15%BSD, and DSD to apply on All Types of Residential Buildings from A to E, but not introduce it by step by step or first on Type D , E ...This measure not only locks up the individual needs of  the existing private homeowners, but also interrupts the businesses in every sector in HK...How's about the policy in population ???


CY cannot focus one solution/solve one problem, but create a series of problems back to the citizens...Infrastructure is important, we do need to consider the softwares managing our society... What a Wonderful Hong Kong, a pretty city for next generation...



14. TO:7/F  2013-05-24 21:03:54
15. 不可以信賴的人 2013-05-24 22:00:05
16. To mislead public attention from scandal again! 2013-05-25 00:09:57
Last Time when there was a Dream Bear/CY scandal in our HK Govt, we have the milk powder new policies announced to switch public attention. This time we have the HKMEX/Cheung Chun Yuen scandal, the HK Govt again tries to switch public attention to a HK$100.0 Billion Infrastructure Planning. Come on please stop misleading your people. 
17. mini 2013-05-25 14:46:30

Mr Deng xiaoping is right... He was worried about the leftists rather than rightists, if there was no mistake. 

His famous words are:  To pick up the good things for serving China...Be careful the power, and money when implementing tasks for society...

18. mini 2013-05-27 20:19:45

Long, long time ago, we noted during a trip in the UK that there is the UK's largest railway museum in York.


We wonder why we can build similiar Museums for Transport, including Buses, Cars, Trains and a never-before-seen collections,  together with a car park facilities for visitors in the North District.  Inside/Around the museums, we can develop our footpaths, spare parts of all vechicles, tourism, exhibitions, wedding ceremony, stores, sciences & technology for education, cafes, restaurants, other refreshments, etc. The museums can be shaped in Doughnuts, and /or  Chinese Mushrooms with some decorative tops with solar panels...


The kids with their family members just want to have fun...We cannot wait for businesses in town, go to create it for next generation... Try to utilise many good attractions such as Education Hub, Private Hospital, Multi Media Centers at Kowloon Tong, Food Paradise in K City, Concerts Stadium & Design Schools of PolyU at Hung Hom, Jockey Club & Golf Club, Technologies Park, along the East Rail Line, the Golden Tube of the MTR...


Time is money...

19. mini 2013-05-27 20:21:57
We wonder why HKG cannot build..