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1. 煲浪追浪 2013-03-06 14:31:15
勁讚 这就是無料食碗面反碗底見功搶見鑊閃思歪本色。。。。大話英趕自己入死路。
2. PW 2013-03-06 14:54:56

1) 辟一人流較少專門車站, 附近有可用空間,

2) 該站車費收費略貴

3) 可用空間,出租予商品供應商

4) 遊游購物跳蚤市場/水貨場



3. Support CY 2013-03-06 14:55:10
CY, we HK people totally support your action, please stop the mainlan china people to come to hk!!!!!!!!!!! stop all of them!!!!!!!!!!!
4. 浪费 2013-03-06 14:56:08






5. Can you still believe 689? 2013-03-06 15:23:34


6. 689 白痴 2013-03-06 15:33:31



7. Havilland 2013-03-06 15:48:19
8. ABC 2013-03-06 15:52:36
CY is completely rubbish. From the recent milk powder incident, we can see how rubbish CY is.
9. 路人甲 2013-03-06 16:31:30
10. AC 2013-03-06 16:36:48

feel shame that HK has suce a CE


11. 689 下台吧 2013-03-06 16:57:05


飯民共產黨+毒果+689 狼狽為奸,目的就是破壞香港的法治,和自由港。

689 條廢材,以為跟毒果班友做事,就會得到毒果認同,真系ON L狗。


12. 689 GAME IS ALMOST OVER 2013-03-06 17:06:53
689 成为全国13亿同胞的笑话,恭喜、恭喜!
13. 路人 2013-03-06 17:08:16
嚴刑峻法至此 , 的確連亞爺都看不過眼! 以前人們叫新加坡 Singapore is a fine city. 香港現在有取代新加坡之勢
14. 路人5 2013-03-06 17:16:35
15. 又要威、又要戴头盔 2013-03-06 17:17:30

It is near the end of 689. He should resign immediately!





16. 689 is completely rubbish! 2013-03-06 17:18:57
17. 法子 2013-03-06 18:18:18
18. 法子 2013-03-06 18:24:39

19. mini 2013-03-06 18:37:55

We were all from Moms ! Remember Dragon Babies are our Future !


HKG is the single largest shareholder of the MTR.  Why our officials do not consider to set up several traffic control centers at the Sheung Shui Station & Fanling Station of the East Rail Line and / or to arrange the MTR Feeder Buses / Kowloon Motor  Bus for providing continuous services for mainland moms/parents without any interruption of the local families...


CY has been showing us what's False, Big & Empty !

20. To; 3 2013-03-06 18:47:13
I support CY to go to hell immediately for the benefit of Hong Kong!
21. mini 2013-03-06 19:21:57

Concerning the recent performances of the Central Government Offices, the responsibles so far can not give a reasonable explanation for issuing the licences for new TV Broadcasting compaines over 3 years! It is www ( World Wide Waiting ) ! 


Right now, the related secretaries forgot/did NOT consider the previous discussions about the land in Kowloon Tong for Chinese Medicine College of Baptist University. These officials do NOT know the Potentials of the Chinese Medicine (CM) which could be a large market for over 100 million chinese in Guandong Province in our country...


At least, the local citizens, 7 million population, can have more choices for diagnosis & treatments,  the university students can apply computer technologies on the model of the human body for inspection, testing, analysis, evaluation & training, the manufacturers can develop more CM by using  standardisation/modernization/GMP/ to distribute these medicines to the overseas chinese. If successful, it will be a huge business in the next 10 years !


We do not understand why we have such secretaries in HKG. The most ridiculous is: the taxpayers do need to pay such high wages to these foolish officials !


Just go to talk with the concerned parties as quick as possible , not only focus on  delux properties and public housing serving for a certain part of local society. We do need to deal with other issues such as air pollution, immigration / population policies, etc...

22. 肥婆四 2013-03-06 19:25:42
23. mini 2013-03-06 19:35:44

Who give us a disappointing executive officer. For quick answer, read below...


181. mini 2012-12-10 20:58:39

One more member !

35. mini2012-12-10 20:57:27

This evening, C.Y. has not responded to the questions raised by some lawmakers in the Legco. It is because the main points are not the numbers & the sizes of the illegal strutures founded in his houses in the Peak. Illegal is illegal !

It directly reflects that C.Y. does not know and not respect what's law, ordinance, regulation, rule and good practice for buildings in HK. Also, he does not care what's professional conduct /general safety for worker/people in the confined spaces/slopes/buildings. As he said illegal structures are not a big problem, he does not want to know what's propriety, righteiousness, integrity & shame !

Right now, C.Y. cannnot convince our lawmakers/citizens by giving out a name list of qualified, experienced, independent and authorised professionals and parties involved for investigating his houses, and their relationships in between.

So, an independent investigation /re-election is strongly recommended. If NOT, we have to accept a great thief to work with our officials in the Central Government Offices. His major duty is to encourage our kids to be superliars ! As stated in the Legco, it indicates that he does not get integrity problem, but also the problems of capability during managing his houses ! At the moment, the most ridiculous is that we need to use money from taxpayers to pay the wages for such a Cheating Executive Officer (CEO) !

24. mini 2013-03-06 19:39:18
CY is CY ! C Y is Cheating You, Never Gives Up...
25. 亮劍 2013-03-06 20:27:04

26. 小市民 2013-03-06 21:10:41
27. HK citizen 2013-03-06 21:22:48

Totally agree CY problem solving skills is a big big problem !

Why he always like to take vigorous, over-reacted ACTION  ?

Did it look so serious that we have to keep mainland people in custody for several days, just because he bought extra 900g baby powder ?? IT's so ridiculous ,  I am ashamed when I saw this non-sense.

Is baby powder in such a shortage that we have to take such serious action in such short period of time ? Will our HK babies die because this shortage ? I am a father of 3 children, I also find very difficult to buy baby formula powder. I also agreed to take some measure against those people buying HK baby formula powder to mainland for benefits and sales (imposing tax and so on)...

 It looks stupid to put someone in jail because of this.

IT is like the old days  in the past where the incapable, non-organised government punish those hungers for stealing bread, and punish them to death penality ! It nevers question itself why it cannot provide basic food supply to its citizens.

28. 689 should go to hell immediately 2013-03-06 23:16:41
689 is stupid and useless. Hong Kong will die under the governing of 689.
29. 70后 2013-03-06 23:46:02
30. 煲浪追浪 2013-03-06 23:54:11
31. 笑死鳥 2013-03-07 01:01:30
32. 看不下去 2013-03-07 10:28:11




33. 順民 2013-03-07 12:09:01
梁振英在自由行方面爭著邀功﹐現在又帶頭反自由行﹐博士呢一棍真係打得應。亦令人清楚看出梁是一名十足庸材﹐連奶粉問題都搞不掂﹐還望他搞好香港 ﹖
34. 順民 2013-03-07 12:16:52
梁振英在自由行方面爭著邀功﹐現在又帶頭反自由行﹐博士呢一棍真係打得應。亦令人清楚看出梁是一名十足庸材﹐連奶粉問題都搞到一鑊泡﹐還望他搞好香港 ﹖
35. 冷眼  2013-03-07 12:44:43