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1. fuck cy and Mr tong and the whole government 2013-01-25 15:13:50
fuck you all
2. 吊吊FING 2013-01-25 15:20:51
3. 吊吊FING 2013-01-25 15:21:45
4. 吊吊FING 2013-01-25 15:26:46
5. 新樓與舊樓的分別 2013-01-25 16:36:12




以 尖沙咀港景峰這個單位為例,建築面積近770平方呎,實用面積576平方呎,實用率達七成半。不過,牆身所佔的面積達160平方呎,若扣除這部分,實際可 用面積僅416平方呎。即面積逾700平方呎的單位,共得逾五成面積用得著。


新樓: 四季豪園

舊樓: 愉景灣

7. Nelly 2013-01-25 17:04:12

The present property price is still very very cheap.


Go Go Go!! 

10. 掹車邊80後 2013-01-25 17:10:28
連陳茅波cy都留, 甚至曾朝張震遠倒戈幫cy 地位都高過自己,  劉衛兵發脾氣好正常
15. 一車車廢招 2013-01-25 18:03:21
CCL創新高, 證明 CY有一車車廢招
16. 啤啤雄現在想推跌C.Y. 2013-01-25 18:54:07



17. TO 博士 2013-01-25 20:12:41
18. 啤啤熊 2013-01-25 21:41:12
19. Support Dream Bear 2013-01-25 21:43:01

20. 煲浪追浪 2013-01-25 23:22:28
21. mini 2013-01-26 15:35:19

No Big Deal ! They have been showing how to exchange individual benefits in HK, but they are damaging our HK , Macau & Mainland Copper Buns ! Good Luck to our HK Babies !


22. mini2012-06-30 15:06:40

Can Hong Kong Trust This Guy ? Tell you with 300%, the answer is "No" Because bad seeds are bad seeds !

Now, we have a LG in town. It is not Life is Good ! It is a Lying Group within Ex Co. which contains a true liar without any ethics, a man with sex scandal, a woman loving power, a selfish chen, one-voice speaking machine, a woman with her family house in London, one eraser and so on... How You Can Mend Many Broken Hearts in town ???

Poverty has reflected problems in Policies in population, housing, and education in the past 15 years. Also, it involves coordinations between the departments in Hong Kong and individual capability. It means there is no quick fix under this environment .

33. mini 2012-06-30 15:11:36
Having said that, we do have a high quality journalists and city forum from RTHK. We should be proud of them.
34. mini 2012-07-14 15:13:19
22. mini2012-07-14 14:58:06

紮腳穆桂英( Source : DT )


  C.Y.開始競選時,曾經表示少年時家景清貧,母親紮腳,要穿膠花幫助生計。我當時奇怪C.Y.與我年紀相若,為何他的母親紮腳? "

Have you seen any photoes showing the lower limbs/feet of CY's mother ?

Can HK see any metallurgical assessment report on illegal structures issued by Independent, Qualified, Experienced, and Authorized Persons ??

The Man who always focused on punctuation into a piece of writing. Quite often, we have heard the following notes : " Don't Know" ; " Don't Understand" ; " Not Involved " ; " Forgot "; I'm innocent = The verdict for investigation for West Kowloon Investment Project was that there were inadequate evidence ???

Can HK trust this guy ? The answer is: We Do Not Have Any Expectations ! Let's wait & see what we will get from the Judge...

22. CY and 啤啤雄 2013-01-28 13:23:57
CY and 啤啤雄 are same kind of people. They are crazy for power and not sense of shame and very low sense or even no sense of moral. They will do everything for get the power whatever it is right or not/ legal or illegal!
23. 湯博士高見 2013-01-28 21:41:35
1. 思歪目前的情況,一句講晒:三日京兆。下屆直選凸手,阿爺無可能搵思歪出選。既然如此,新貴要熱身,養養民望,思歪便沒可能坐足五年了,被棄是早晚的事。
2. 思歪的後台,是前中聯辦一伙小官,加上一班土共而已。江派勢力已獲全勝,張曉明乃廖暉秘書,中聯辦已被清洗,思歪失了後台。