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1. Suggestion to the HK government 2013-01-02 12:31:54

I suggest a new policy that is to restrict all foreign people including the foreign company/funds to purchase properties in 2013 and 2014. This is a temporatory policy and it will be ended automaically in the end of 2014. It is the best policy to enable the government to "buy time" and then to increase the land supply. Also, it can preven the flat price to be too fluctuate during the time when the government is working hard to find land to increase the supply.....With this policy, then even the property price still up in 2013 and 2014, then it will be vey clear that this is the force from the local HK people and no one will blame on the HK government (with the assumption that the governemnt can show out their efforts and ability to find land and to increase the supply). Hope that this policy can be enforced in the coming future!!!

2. To: 1 2013-01-02 13:17:32
Based on your logic, you have also suggest HK government to ban all foreigner to enter Hong Kong and spend money in Hong Kong. Only HK citizen has the authorization to spend money in Hong Kong. Another 'good' policy for CY and legco members to cheat the vote but damage the future of HK. Anyway CY  and most of the legco menbers do not care about the future of HK and thus this is a 'good' policy for them.
3. Suggestion to HK government 2013-01-02 13:25:09
To 2: Thank you so much or your messgae and discussion. This is just a temporatory policy and enable the government the buy time to find land and increase the supply, and also, this can help the local HK people more easy to purchase properties. This kind of short term policy will not affect hk in the long run as this policy will end automatically in the end of 2014. I also believe that with this policy, it will not lead to collapse of the property market. This policy can enable the local property market to run in a more stable manner in 2013 to 2014.
4. reply t0 1 2013-01-02 13:26:28
If what your suggested is a good policy and can be used to cool down to property policy, it would also be good to be followed by all countries in the world. From this day on, HK citizens are not allowed to buy any properties outside HK.

CY is not a foolish guy, he is not willing to step down upon this silly suggestion.
5. 數據分析員 2013-01-02 13:30:06
thanks Dr. Tong.  你寫出我心所想!
6. 數據分析員 2013-01-02 13:35:58
最討厭那些不學無術.  有小小成績便自吹自擂的人.

那位80後炒家, 跟一位借親戚錢去賭場賭大細的人沒有不同.
7. 紋財神 2013-01-02 14:12:24


賺小小, 就想做代表O  

賺大錢的人, 只做說O



8. PN 2013-01-02 14:27:22

In a 1-way market, the 'Fearless' are making the most.

As for who is the Smartest, I will only opine (at least) after the market have gone through 1 full cycle.

9. anggie T. 2013-01-02 14:41:41
Get it. Dr. Tong.  Tks for your reminder!
10. 長期讀者 2013-01-02 14:48:07
11. To 1 2013-01-02 14:57:31

Your suggestion is similar example. 
Your employer said since the business is not good so I will not pay you salary for two years or fire you, and said it will be a temporary measure and will hire you back when business is good.   What will be your feeling?  Will you ever work for that firm again?    

I am sorry but you are looking at things too one sidedly.   Also, HK's success is because of our freedom: freedom of speech, money float etc.   Your suggestion is going to significantly hurt HK in the long run.    Properties, just like the stock market has cycle, you just need to be patience and when you cannot afford to buy one or think the market is too high, just do a good job, make more money, improve your career so you can stike when the time comes.   The market is most of the time fair, smart ppl win the game in the long run.   If you are didnt not turn out being well, its because you are not as good as the others in the market, in terms of skills, or career, or money making capability, or timing of the market, or all of the above.    Also, rents are always fair since you cannot "fry" rents.  As seem from the market rents are high and poeple can support the high rent, it means the market and economy is healthy.  People can talk and complain and go on the street, but the actual rent price will never lie.   People will downgrade and move to a small unit if they cannot afford it and market will adjust itself.   Many vancanies in Tin Shui Wai because ppl just want to live at places beyond their own means....  ppl are beoming not down to earth enough these days and spent to much  money on iphones and brand name bags and watches or else they would have their own homes long long time ago.  

12. 80' 2013-01-02 14:58:02
13. To 13/F 2013-01-02 15:06:45


14. to 15 2013-01-02 15:31:25

(I am 13)  Thanks and please excuse my typos.  I was a bit angry when I typed the last message. Voices in general are too one-sided these days.... even opinions re the CE and the government.   No smart person will want to be a civil servant because it is just not possible to do a good job and will never be appreciated.   HK people are digging their own grave and the death of HK......

15. To 11/F & 14/F 2013-01-02 17:24:45
(I am 13), Also sorry for my typos in 13 (it should be to 11/F).  I shared your views.  Understand that there are anger, discontent & disappointment amid the society over the housing issues on one hand.  On the other hand, it seems that youngsters, colleage graduates, or the so-called post-80s, nowadays do purse personal enjoyment on top of their agenda.  For instance, they would like to have their own home immediately after graduation.  Provided that you come from a wealthy family, otherwise, this thinking seems unrealistic.  It seems that youngsters are quite negative & pessimstic nowadays.  They like to challenge the old rules and do things on their own way.  There are no problem with that given they express themselves in a proper way and constructive actions/ideals/comments do welcome.  However, I wish that I was wrong, many discontented youngsters are being misled by some so-called political leaders whom are professionals to make use of mass people power (over groupthink) against the Government to achieve thier own personal goals. 
16. 支持繼續出重招 2013-01-02 21:19:53



17. 支持博士 2013-01-02 22:29:13
20. AA 2013-01-02 23:16:52
21. yy 2013-01-02 23:42:34
23. 阿松 2013-01-03 09:34:00






24. 掹車邊80後 2013-01-03 10:44:22
o個位80後炒家真係好討厭, 雖然佢大我幾年, 但我覺得佢講說話好寸, 好小朋友
25. 掹車邊80後 2013-01-03 10:46:51
我公司d fund佬 一年交稅都唔止一千萬, 一樣係84年出世, 但人地都無咁大口氣
26. 當年的神童輝戰績-簡直係炒家的典範 2013-01-03 11:07:55
27. to 15 2013-01-03 11:27:52

(I am 11 and 14).   Agree with you x 100!  HK is dying in this respect.   In contrast, I have colleagues from SG, who are very motivated and continue to improve themselves and are supportive of their government and each other (instead of being selfish).   If this continues, HK's leadership position will soon be taken over by SG.   When that time comes, the HKese will blame the government for that but it is actually their own fault.   It is time for us to 增值自己 instead of forcing the government to help you.   成功发达要靠自己 instead of closing the doors and self-protect and blame others.... very sad indeed.   HK people in general are too spoiled and 身在福中不知福

P.S.  I do agree with the Mr Tong's "賺錢可以,不過請勿張揚", beecause that is just simply a 美得。

28. 市場有錯? 2013-01-03 11:43:48

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29. Funny 2013-01-03 15:22:56
To 28: Are you the blogger of that Facebook page?   I went to read his posts ok fb and its quite pathetic.....  He does not seem to ever be right about stuff... Actually could be a 明燈 by doing exactly the opposite of his recommendation.. 

30. 亮劍 2013-01-03 15:42:46
31. 認住呢隻英 2013-01-03 17:52:33





32. 巿民 2013-01-03 23:59:30
       咁高調、想死咩! CY多年前講過,樓應是只有居住用途,不應有投資作用。
33. 80後銀行家 2013-01-04 15:28:58