1. 小人物 2012-12-24 13:10:02 |
香港的富豪就是華人富豪榜裡那些熟悉的面孔, 而新加坡除了"名義"首富- 信置的黃氏家族之外, 就好像沒了.
新加坡人均GDP在香港之上, 而90%的新加坡人口居於價值較低的組屋, 而他們又沒有什麼大企業富豪, 那麼他們是怎樣做到人均GDP在香港之上的呢?
2. middle middle class 2012-12-24 13:40:43 |
Everyone gets a good payroll ( at least on the paper there is no poor people ), but everything is not cheap. Above all, everyone has to follow the rule, report any profit, report any fraud. There is no space that you can squeeze some cash. This is why they have a high GDP but not rich. It depends on how you like to have your life. If you want a clean environment ( physically, mentally, politically, government administration...etc ), you should consider Singapore. If you enjoy freedom and opportunity, you better stay in HK. |
7. ikan bilis 2012-12-24 14:07:58 |
“為甚麼新加坡是最不快樂地區?” HK or Singapore both has its’ own uniqueness, culture and attractiveness.
Main problem with Singapore now was created by some “re-making of Singapore” started about 5-6yr ago. During the process, there were policies moving the country towards some strategic sectors, like medical hub, education hub, clean energy +etc, and also whole tourism sector was revamped (integrated resort/casino added). It involves rebuilding the whole country from highly depending on manufacturing sector towards service sectors based.
This rebuilding brought in about another 1 million foreign workers needed in a short time frame (population exploded from ~3-4mil to 5+mil now).
Current overpopulation causes stress in every infra-structure, job security and inflation: - Public transport problems: The MRT subway system is now as packed/crowded as HK MTR - Infra-structure/housing problems: There are not enough hospital beds, not enough housing, not enough schools - Job security problems: Manufacturing jobs could be gone for forever. Fierce competition for every new jobs. The local citizens have been retrenched or replaced by cheaper foreigner labours, from blue collar up to middle managers. -Inflation: Another problem is high inflation (cause by USA FED $$ printing and overstress in local resources). Though SGD is not pegged to USD, it is tracking USD very closely.
It will take another 5-6year for the country to re-position itself correctly and hence another 5-6year for local Singapore citizens to get back “happier”. :)
9. 你不知道還是扮傻? 2012-12-24 15:46:54 |
香港是富人的天堂, 窮人生活像在地獄, 湯博士是裝傻還是不知道? 你每周工作多少時間? 早上幾點起身? 我相信湯博士可能好得閒, 亦可能好唔得閒, 因為佢有好多時間寫d 狗屁不通的文章, 但卻沒有時間看書增值 |
10. 向饭民说不 2012-12-24 16:01:43 |
楼上条XX,难道你吾见好多人滥用福利,难道你又见不到占人口40%的公屋户用尽公民义务,可以享受一切福利。 楼上条废材,难道你又见吾到希腊穷人交不起高昂的销售税去买gas去heat自己间屋,要过寒冷的冬天,你又见不到希腊人无能力heat学校,要学生停学。 楼上条友根本就是人渣。 |
11. JJ 媽 2012-12-24 17:51:25 |
同意。點解要學一個咁細的國家? |
13. 路人 2012-12-24 21:18:21 |
90年代香港的報章,經常以星架坡人專登在組屋電梯內小便,作專題報導探討當地社會怨氣。 |
14. 賈博士 2012-12-24 21:30:13 |
我們不應學新加坡,要學美國,樓價跌到平靚正! |
15. 路人 2012-12-24 21:45:38 |
美國佬係因果報應!布殊年代大力提倡買樓唔使俾首期,跟住次按爆煲之後白馬黑印銀紙唔使講儲備。 |
16. 向饭民说不 2012-12-24 22:39:11 |
9楼和12楼,香港的中产之所以生活艰苦,就是因为上要保证地产商赚大钱,下要保证贫苦大众的福利开支。如果继续发展下去,香港肯定变成M字形社会。 香港基本上是穷人和富人的天堂,中产的地狱。如果你月收入只是3万到7万,资产少过1千万,甘就苦中之苦了。 |
17. C9 甲 2012-12-24 22:44:48 |
博士小心下次新加坡可能不给你入境哦,就如陶杰说菲律宾是 Country of Slave。 |
18. 2012年的美國就好像1994年的日本一樣 2012-12-25 00:37:38 |
2012年的美國就好像1994年的日本一樣,泡沫爆破後4年匯價高企,國債急升,復蘇似有還無,之後一直迷失到而家.... |
19. ikan bilis 2012-12-25 00:48:21 |
21. 對新加坡有偏見的我 2012-12-25 10:31:14 |
非常同意。我本身對新加坡好多人事物都不抱好感,如果香港變成佢地咁低能我會好痛心。 |
22. yy 2012-12-25 12:30:32 |
星架玻全國祇有李氏家族可以動腦筋和有創意,現在他們的創意用在維持一黨專政。這樣的國度那及得香港表面亂糟糟,你一言我一語,其實亂中有序,每人都激發著無限創意。 |
23. 想樓價跌就要增加樓宇供應 2012-12-26 21:20:28 |
http://mytv.tvb.com/news/newsmagazine/138727#page-1想樓價跌就要增加樓宇供應(例如當年8萬5政策),現時樓宇供應短缺,最主要原因是政治問題:地區人仕,區議會,環保團體,80後他們一致大合奏,齊聲反對任何發展,他們會用各種理由eg.環保,保育,交通負荷,反對發展,令到大量珍貴土地荒廢,令到香港發展停滯不前!!!共貧之 要解決樓價高企的問題最重要是增加市區土地供應(尤其是港島區), 其實可以將黃竹坑,柴灣的工廠大廈改變用途,改做商埸或住宅,即時增加市區土地供應,但議員動不動就說地產霸權,官商勾結,八十後又保育又環保,現在港島區樓價租金高企,怪誰?
| 回1, 有話市區冇地,為何這個巴士廠空置十幾年?中巴都冇做10幾年啦!!依家香港人真係乜野都反對!!!咁樓價貴就唔好怨政府!! http://blog.yahoo.com/_VI2LRCBUJLT5L6PNJKMLDAAW6Y/articles/627385 11. c92012-12-18 15:06:41 | | to 4 區區都有廢棄建築物,但政府同你講冇地起樓 | 12. H+0.5%2012-12-18 15:09:09 | | 未到顛價,我手上幾個果啲 H+0.5% 的 Hibor Plan 絕不放手,反正呢啲野有勞租客幫手 | 13. 寧願市民瞓街2012-12-18 15:12:14 | | to c9 那些廢棄建築物寧願養小強都不給人起樓住,政府是否寧願市民瞓街 | 14. 憤怨的租客2012-12-18 15:19:13 | | 我在柴灣租樓住3年搬了5次屋由藍灣搬去新翠搬去樂軒台搬去山翠苑搬 去仁樂,越搬越CHEAP,原來政府同發展商官商勾結,明明有地扮冇地 | 15. 憤怨的租客2012-12-18 15:23:58 | | 打錯了應是6年搬了5次屋 | | |
24. Who cares 2012-12-27 01:22:22 |
Is HK really have freedom nowadays? What kind of freedom do Hongkonger really want? Does it really help by speaking out loud, so this is considered as having objectives? There're some many poor people still living in the public housing in HK. How many old people still the breadwinners for the family while they should be enjoying their retirement at home? The government in Singapore had sent her people to HK years back to learn the public housing system. And you see how successful Singapore had the public housing system in place? At least majority of the citizens do not have to worry about no house to stay in Singapore. How about HK? Is everyone living in cheap houses now? I'm Hongkonger and I have lived in Singapore for years, majority of the citizens in Singapore are cash rich, at least many can afford to buy cars with the prices which are almost the most expensive in the world! How about HK? Yes, there are many rich people in HK, but I don't think there are much improvement for the poor. Singaporeans are not happy due to high competitives environment, by living in such a tiny country without any supports, it's not hard to imagine how competitive it is. Of course government getting so much involve in daily live, so their speech become restricted. Besides that, Singapore have developed very fast within short period of time though there are still many things that HK is better. But looking at the good education system & housing system in Singapore that I would have to admit that HK is far behind these systems. Why don't HK find ways to improve these areas rather than barking around & showing jealousy. Just remember if you look around, there are still so many low income people having such a poor living conditions. As a Hongkonger, just think twice of how much we have done for our society and people around us! Talk is cheap! Action speaks louch than speech! |
25. 顛佬正傳(狗仔) 2012-12-27 17:13:04 |
香港雖然話有丁言論自由,但有好多人包括政界,日日收人工講廢話,例如提議「回購領匯、買回地鐵、隧道」有少許sense都知唔work;成日話要特首交代潛建,交代完又話要佢再交代;查完佢間屋又要再查;佢間屋關我care事,開會討論呢的野浪費納稅人金錢,浪費香港人時間。 日日爭論講冇建設性廢話,不如學星加坡收下口,等大家休息一下 |
26. 六十後業主 2012-12-27 17:20:47 |
小女子在20多年前公幹, 有幸和一位新加坡高官妻子同房(他丈夫十多年前巳是署長級, 是精英份子) , 她私底下告於我新加坡政府是很厲害, 比中國政府更甚, 政府監察人民的手段是你想像不到的. 以我所知, 宗教也有限制的. 沒有香港那麼自由. 在某程度上, 星加坡人是很妒忌香港人的. |
27. To: 26 2012-12-27 17:59:30 |
You are right! |
28. 賣飛佛 2012-12-27 18:01:18 |
29. 路人 2012-12-27 18:15:40 |
遊行示威咪指意,監都有得坐,星架坡人只能在組屋電梯內小便以發洩不滿。 |
30. 路人5 2012-12-27 18:53:25 |
有一次去星州探朋友,和他在街上行路,當時大约是晚上十二時左右,他说當知安很好,因为在街上有隱藏攝影機,很少發生罪案,還有,如果要搬屋,需要通知當地警署,作為記錄,心想,如果香港實行也不錯,因为,很多人欣赏星州的政府夠強勢。 |