You can buy time, you can use money from taxpayers to support the public opinion polls for a while, but not for life !
21. mini2012-11-27 19:07:23
We just want a better CEO with his team members (but not yes people/half slaves) who can lead us for a better HK...
From the past events, we should conclude that CY does not really know what's law, ordinance, regulation, discipline, procedure, safety to our neighbours., but a man is well educated, qualified and experienced in real estate sectors for many decades ? What is difference between thiefs ?? Where is Justice ???
Indeed, it is very difficult to find a qualified person to respect us because he does not know what's integrity. Bad seeds are bad seeds !
For more information/interests, we can read the newspapers from South China Morning Post, HKEJ, and Appledaily in the past days. we can also find out what's DIY !
I must say SSD and BSD are good policies to curb the overheating property market. Moreover, there are too many property agents around. They do not provide and added value to our society. We should impose more strict policy to reduce the number of property agents so that those bad property agents cannot survive and do other jobs. This will make better reputation to our property agents community.
36. 雷鳴天下雷鼎鳴 2012-11-28 12:03:22
國際上有一個歷史不長但卻聲名赫赫的跨國學能測驗計劃,每次公布結果,都會引起相關國家的極大關注。2010年底公布了上一次結果後,美國朝野深為憂慮,奧巴馬總統也要開腔:「今天在教育上超越我們的國家,明天在競爭力上便要超越我們。」 這個測驗叫PISA,全名是「國際學生評估計劃」(Programme for International Student Assessment),由經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)主辦,從2000年起開始,每三年一次,今年剛進行了最新一次,結果要明年底才能公布。 2009年那一趟,總共有74個國家或地區參加,其中包括OECD的所有34個成員國,總共有47萬名15歲3個月至16歲2個月的學生參加,接受數學、科學與閱讀的測驗。 美國的成績一向平庸,2009年那一次,數學排名31、科學23、閱讀17,以世界第一強國的身份而論,如此成績,的確有損威名,難怪奧巴馬會擔心。