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1. 鍾意投資香港 2012-08-13 14:48:34





















2. 馬長春博士 2012-08-13 15:09:39
"他日見到CY, 你下跪的速度快過我。"

3. 不明 2012-08-13 15:17:54
是"徐庶", 不是"除庶"~
4. 價值 2012-08-13 15:21:29




5. 博士仲辦野? 2012-08-13 15:35:40
你唔駛講咁多, 百詞莫辨, 木鐸係比你罵走既!!就算佢再番黎,已經唔係以前果個!!
木鐸我地撐你, 踢走死狗博士!!
6. 湯文亮 2012-08-13 15:44:13

To: 馬長春博士



7. 嘻皮笑臉 2012-08-13 15:50:30


8. 馬狗春 2012-08-13 16:10:16
馬狗春何許人也? 一頭不喜與假狗為伍;面對cy時, 其下跪速度比博士還要快!!
9. 馬狗春博士 2012-08-13 16:15:04
"他日見到CY, 我馬長春下跪的速度一定快過博士!!"

但又何必同博士的假名狗種鬥嘴呢?嗰隻狗何時才會放過木鐸, 仲達呢?
10. 等看證據 2012-08-13 16:30:56




11. 博士仲辦野? 2012-08-13 16:34:43

我地就係唔想好似你咁熟讀三國, 變左條三國毒"L"!!

12. 午餐的威力真大 2012-08-13 16:37:45

我以為CY變臉快, 點知有人比佢仲快,
13. 你敢話冇? 2012-08-13 16:42:20

你係冇啦!!呢D野ADMIN 幫你做家嗎!!你駛乜自己做,
14. 說好了的木鐸文章呢? 2012-08-13 16:46:03
博士你又話今日木鐸番黎既? 文呢? 係邊呀?
15. 陳大春 2012-08-13 16:59:57



16. 木頭FANS 2012-08-13 17:13:48
17. Henry 2012-08-13 17:32:59
18. 自我主義 2012-08-13 18:01:30
19. Anita 2012-08-13 18:57:44

梅艷芳跑馬地遺產周四拍賣 開價780萬





20. 75萬.........政府送嘅!!!! 2012-08-13 19:35:53









21. 下跪? 2012-08-13 20:02:07


博士,cy是否真的那麼可怕? 為什麼要向他下跪呢?

早跪,遲跪都是跪,博士真的要下跪嗎? 不跪又會如何?



22. 跪玻璃 2012-08-13 20:06:36
23. To all with love 2012-08-13 20:09:56
China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth. China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth. China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth. China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth. China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth. China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth. China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth. China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth. China export and import growth slows sharply in July Demand for Chinese products has been falling in some of its biggest markets Continue reading the main story Global Economy Who will drive global recovery? Is China heading for a crash? Crisis jargon buster Euro crisis causes China's export and import growth slowed for the second straight month in July, raising fears about the strength of the world's second-largest economy. Exports rose by 1% from a year earlier, down from 11.3% growth in June, amid slowing demand from key markets. Meanwhile, imports rose by 4.7% compared with 6.3% in June, indicating that domestic demand was also slowing. Analysts said the data was weaker-than-expected and may see Beijing introduce stimulus measures to spur growth. "Trade data has come in dramatically below expectations - the worst export growth number (excluding Chinese New Year) since November 2009 - highlighting the risk that the external environment poses to an economy in the midst of a rapid internal slowdown," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight in Beijing. "The government is likely to respond by ramping-up its stimulus efforts, with both monetary and fiscal guns firing." 'Distraught' Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today” Alistair Thornton IHS Global Insight The data comes just a day after China reported that growth in industrial output fell to a three-year low in July. Industrial production rose by 9.2% during the month, from a year earlier, down from 9.5% increase in June. At the same time, growth in retail sales during the month also fell short of forecasts. Analysts said that the weak data had raised concerns that the economy may be slowing faster than previously thought. "Things really aren't going China's way," said IHS Global Insight's Mr Thornton. "Those looking for signs of resilience in China's economic data were merely disappointed yesterday, but they are going to be distraught today." Further easing? China's economics growth has slowed in recent months. Its economy expanded at an annual rate of 7.6% in the April to June period, the slowest pace of growth in three years. And there are fears that growth may slow further in the near term. As a result, Beijing has taken various measures to spur activity. China's central bank has cut its key interest rates twice since the start of June and reduced the amount of money the country's banks must keep in reserve, in a bid to boost lending. However, analysts said that policymakers needed to do more to trigger growth. "With the export sector losing speed faster than expected, the government's current investment stimulus plan looks woefully inadequate," Mr Thornton said. He added that the government may cut borrowing costs again in the coming months and also increase its investment programmes to help achieve a higher rate of growth.
24. 不明二 2012-08-13 20:20:41
25. 國文教育第五課--讀playboy,睇AV 2012-08-13 20:23:09
26. 木鐸你死得好慘呀 2012-08-13 20:28:03
27. 原來有人一早當木鐸係関羽 2012-08-13 20:31:27
28. 國文教育? 咁多錯字既? 2012-08-13 20:47:44

大暴戾了(太暴戾了), 王郎(朗),攪(搞)對抗..

仲叫博士, 教壞人呀,,,唉!!

29. ABC 2012-08-13 21:15:43
2012年8月13日 20:56







30. 樓上 2012-08-13 21:37:27
博士叫你唔好copy and paste 呀, 你仲做? lol
31. 回23. To all with love2012 2012-08-14 10:58:35



32. 香港不適合普選 2012-08-14 11:34:57
33. 樓上 2012-08-14 12:57:16

34. 2012-08-14 12:59:04
木鐸呢?X 你過佳!!!亞視黎既?!!!
35. 雲遊僧 2012-08-14 14:18:27
本来无一物 何处有木鐸, 施主你已經迷失本姓了.