1. 湯文亮 2012-02-13 12:41:21 |
各位早晨 多謝各位在近月來在地產網發表意見。 多謝雲兄、無奈、上善、王先生、O了、仲達,ABC君、80後銀行家等等……非常多謝。 我曾經說過,政府官員是非常留意此網站,為保護消息來源,我不會透露有關人士。 財政預算案後,唐英年交出一份以中產為主的政綱,大家是否有一些成功感?連月來的表達終於有一些成果。老實說,我有。 我近日比較忙,且每日要寫一至兩篇文章,每日所剩的時間不多,不能作出回應,請大家見諒。 近日有一些頑皮人士在網上搗亂,我相信Admin會工作,大家不用擔心,請多發言。況且,各人的風格,彼此之間亦相當了解,冒名者是不會得逞,請繼續回應,多謝。 |
2. mini 2012-02-13 12:47:36 |
In respect of ssests mangament proposed by our government in Hong Kong, it should recommend to CANCEL THE PROPERTIES PROFIT TAX to increase the real estate investments , jobs & revenues by international and local professionals. Except the Government Rent, it should also CANCEL THE RATES on the private homeowners/ propertyowners in order to let the said owners have more cash flows & reserves for their maintenance costs, such as upgrading the facilities and externals of old buildings for more energy efficiency, and create more jobs for local people. And the government do not use taxes to help some owners maintain the private properties in the long term. Actually, the homeowners had paid taxes for purchasing their properties. |
3. mini 2012-02-13 12:48:34 |
In respect of ssests mangament proposed by our government in Hong Kong, it should recommend to CANCEL THE PROPERTIES PROFIT TAX to increase the real estate investments , jobs & revenues by international and local professionals. Except the Government Rent, it should also CANCEL THE RATES on the private homeowners/ propertyowners in order to let the said owners have more cash flows & reserves for their maintenance costs, such as upgrading the facilities and externals of old buildings for more energy efficiency, and create more jobs for local people. And the government do not use taxes to help some owners maintain the private properties in the long term. Actually, the homeowners had paid taxes for purchasing their properties. |
4. 點解香港o甘多水魚買發展商的縮水新樓? 2012-02-13 13:28:18 |
點解香港o甘多水魚買發展商的縮水新樓???? 新樓既實用率普遍應該得六成左右(彧更低),個別得3成!! 元朗某屋苑實用率29%,將軍澳某大型新盤實用率55%,但舊樓呢, 大部份可以差不多有八成實用率(甚至更高).碧瑤灣和鯉景灣都有九成實用率!!!點解街市檔呃秤就要拉要鎖?發展商賣新樓呃呎就政府容許? |
5. 小銅鈴 2012-02-13 13:36:19 |
額外印花稅表面打壓房價,但事實上主要針對外國熱錢, 只要美國繼續印鈔票, 香港不應該取消額外印花稅. 在極端情況下,所有受熱錢影響的貨物都應有額外印花稅.
This is what some people call "money war" : ) |
6. 王先生 2012-02-13 15:11:45 |
7. 利港人 2012-02-13 15:40:10 |
高手之一的仲達兄曾痛陳SSD的弊處,十分值得一看再看,現再貼一次。 新特首最需要關注的問題(2) 第三:適度放寬額外印花稅(SSD) 額外印花稅自2010年11月20日起生效,其本質為防止樓市被過度炒賣,在升市時被炒家火上加油將樓價炒得比天高;但此政策只能於樓升處於上升軌時適用,當樓市進入調整期時根本適得其反---請注意,樓市的上落周期遠較股市的周期長,現在討論的是可能長達一至兩年的調整期,事實上,自2011年6月本港樓市已進入調整期,已歷經半年以上,故長達兩年的調整期一點也不誇張。 為何SSD在跌市時適得其反? 即使沒有SSD,跌市時業主大多不願放賣,而買家之中,大部份因預期跌勢將會持續甚或加劇而打退堂鼓,剩下的少數也往往因大幅還價而未能與業主達成共識,只有極少成交量。 任何投資都有風險,更何況首次置業人士,多數需要承造按揭、以槓桿借貸購入物業---最脆弱最無防守力的業主,反而借取的按揭成數最高,一旦跌勢長期持續,或者突然有資金週轉需要,那麼業主將面對超級兩難: 選擇一:繼續持有物業,不知調整期何時完結,每天活在被追差額甚至變成負資產的惡夢中。 選擇二:棄車保帥,賬面蝕讓物業,損失一大筆本金及手續費之餘更要被SSD重罰5-15%樓價的額外印花稅。未來再次置業的首期更不知何年何月才能再次籌足! 究竟是誰發明這種變態扭曲,在跌市時迫人蝕大錢的政策? 為何港人身受其害,默不作聲,無恥政客天天叫囂,迫害中產,卻是正義? 根據最新數據,剛過去的兔年成交量僅為68,044宗,較虎年的116,826宗大幅下降四成,個別屋苑如映灣園更按年下跌53%。除了反映準買家不願在跌市時入市,更是SSD適得其反的確實例證,對各行各業帶來的經濟損失及失業危機不容小覷。 SSD既違反基本法,又於跌市時加害市民,必需修改。惟一次過全部取消將會對樓市對來極大震盪,故應適度放寬,縮減年期及稅率,甚或讓蝕錢沽貨的業主豁免繳交,方為調節樓市之正道。 |
8. 80銀行業從業員 2012-02-13 15:49:19 |
放寛按揭確有需要. 其實金管局可以效法國內做法, 考慮先給個人首置/或者沒持有物業者放回七成按揭, 起碼用家不致於受太大筆首期的困擾. 陳德霖不可能自發性做這件事, 銀行業亦不能反客為主, 迫監管者修改規例....這要考驗新財爺的遠見和膽識了. |
9. ABC君 2012-02-13 16:43:39 |
多謝博士讚賞: 過年之後,銀行己開始有點手鬆,雖然審查仍嚴,但如博士所言,隨「中保內貸」逐漸回歸,銀行要做生意,遲早會用不同方式鬆手再鬆手。由於這個購買力積壓已久,這個小陽春不似短期內結束。 其實,若非金融陳,加上政府的SSD,樓價起碼要升不知多少%,這只計及借貸成本(即利率)的因素,還未計及經濟增長、薪酬增加、失業下跌、貨幣供應增加、通貨膨脹 及聯繫匯率等等等的因素。(留待專家說明) 大家試以300萬為貸款額,在明報置業網計一下總利息支出,設20年還款,以現在2%利率為例,總利息只是20多萬,這比起97年10%的利率,總利息要200多萬,10倍的借貸成本之差,若反映在樓價上,你說樓價要升多少??? |
10. 阿拉伯 2012-02-13 17:06:11 |
請列出數據, 到底買樓自住的家庭, 每年有幾多%要於買入不足1年或2年, 就因經濟問題沽樓? 什麼叫就:最脆弱最無防守力的業主? 請問無能力的人, 為什麼要買私樓? 點解唔租? 結果 : 貪 字 得 個 貧. 物業代理無生意,系因為人數太多. 唔該弱者自己轉行. 點解要香港政府要寫包單你地有生意? 而且地產代理收縮, 會有更多鋪位回歸市場, 租金回調, 更利百業. 放寬SSD即是要放生炒家, 來養活多餘的物業代理。 完全本末倒置。 |
11. mini 2012-02-13 17:57:31 |
To CANCEL PROPERTIES TAX & RATES, our leaders should consider the other incomes by increasing the Daily Turnovers of Securities as below: - HK$300 Billion (Average Daily Turnovers from Stocks & Bonds, etc.) x 0.001 x2 (Stamp Duty) x 250 Average Working Days = HK$150 Billion per year ! As Leaders, To Be Bright, Brave and Innovative ! |
12. DT 2012-02-13 18:43:54 |
SSD: a good policy, a bad policy or a timely policy? In real estate, lower transaction costs can stimulate market turnover and enhance the responsiveness of housing markets to macroeconomic stimuli. Rising demand is more likely to have a larger impact on house prices with lower transaction costs. In this scenario, Hong Kong still is the lowest transaction cost in Asia. (35% transaction cost lesser than Singapore, Taiwan and Philippines are 2.5 times and 4 times higher than HK) We see and taste it already. SSD is not the extra cost of the property transaction. There is no additional cost such thing for homebuyers. The transaction cost remains unchanged when the deal is made for parties, buyers and sellers. The recent rally of property transaction proves that it has no direct cost concern for homebuyers or investors. Why lower transaction volumes? What is the root cause? It is the EU banking system crisis plus Greece default along with economy cycle. No further explanations are needed. It is crystal clear. Question: I have to sell a flat because I am fired or other compelling reasons. I have no escape route due to SSD, does it? Answer: The applicable rates of SSD based on the holding period of the property by the seller or transferor before disposal are 15% within 6 months, 10% more than 6 but for 12 months or less, 5% more than 12 months but for 24 months or less. General speaking, the employee may have the severance payment or long service payment or 1 month advance payment when he or she is sacked. It depends on the situation of the financial status of the unlucky employee. The probability the unlucky person has to sell the flat without any choice may be after 12 months period when the flat is bought after Nov 20, 2010. That means there is a 5% additional cost for the transaction. If it happens, it has nothing to say other than “regret”. Is SSD a good or bad policy? Neither. Is SSD the right policy during this turbulent time? Your answer please? |
13. 仲達 - SSD的隱患 2012-02-13 22:38:55 |
多謝湯博士的讚賞,也感激利港人兄引用本人的文章。 最初回應只為略抒己見,略盡綿力替扭曲了的政治及樓市生態發聲而已。料不到慢慢匯聚了一眾有識之士、花盡心思使回應區百花齊放,有麝自然香,吸引了各方注意是必然,也逐漸改變了一些社會事件,例如區選泛民大敗、財政預算案終於關注中產,以及近日唐英年以中產為本的政綱,真的使人十分鼓舞! SSD本質使供應減少,在升市時會減少樓宇供應,造成呎價繼續上升;跌市時鎖死了業主的逃生門,情形就如7樓的引文所述,加上違反香港賴以成功的自由經濟原則,違反基本法賦予市民不受約束地交換財產的自由,因此將之定義為弊政。 再加上SSD對地產代理及其他相關行業的衝擊甚巨已是不爭事實,副作用之大不可輕視! 另外,大家有否想過SSD還有其他副作用,一樣迫使市民受害? 有留意地產新聞的話,應該知道自從SSD推行以來,炒家只是在住宅市場絕跡,而不是真的從香港的物業市場消失---車位、商廈、工廈、街舖等等所有其他物業都因住宅SSD的實施導致大量熱錢湧入,現時一個普通中產屋苑的車位售價,可能高達60至100萬,九龍站屋苑的車位更貴達200萬元!售價炒高又引來新加入的投資者高追、租金自然不斷上漲,直至租金回報跌至不吸引的水平,而SSD實施幾乎使全港所有車位都炒高了接近一倍的價錢!加上工商舖物業天價成交,自由行火上加油,舖租以幾何級數上升,試問商家如何不提高貨品及服務的售價以作補償? 結果,市民只是以另一種形式付出代價,被SSD曲線加劇了的通脹蠶食了資金! SSD長遠而言必需取消,只是鑑於外圍經濟動盪以及夕陽政府不會作政策大改動而暫時不變。市民必需認清SSD帶來的全面破壞,而不是只看見住宅樓價停止上升,就覺得事不關己,安於現狀。 一言蔽之:扭曲市場不可取,額印隱患何其多。 至於放寬按揭成數的利弊,下次再談。 |
14. mini 2012-02-13 23:04:58 |
Strictly speaking, SSD should not be regarded as an ordinance or regulation. However, SSD must be an Operational Intervention in Business Activities. Like Credit Freeze, there are no cash flows or limited flows. The officials are intended to use SDD as temporary control by administration to avoid the fluctuating prices in property. In some days our citizens will have to pay for its latent effects as mentioned. |
15. 業主 2012-02-13 23:46:33 |
SSD絕對不能取消,一取消就大量樓盤供應,樓價必定下跌,近兩年上車的業主必定冇運行! |
16. 無明 2012-02-13 23:50:54 |
一直都欣賞你的貼文, 有獨特的points。 "Is SSD the right policy during this turbulent time?" 感覺上認為是Yes. 1個簡單原因。炒家基本上是潤滑劑, 太多炒家時火上加油的速度可以突然變快, 向上及向下都是, 但極低利率時期沒有必要引出炒家。 |
17. 沉默的羔羊 2012-02-13 23:58:00 |
究竟是誰發明這種變態扭曲,在跌市時迫人蝕大錢的政策? 為何港人身受其害,默不作聲,無恥政客天天叫囂,迫害中產,卻是正義? 我们不能再做沉默的羔羊!面包可以升,樓市也只是跟着通貨澎漲和面包同步,香港是個金融社會,自由港,活躍經濟繁榮全靠,衣、食、住、行、其中的衣、食、行都升了,為什麼住偏偏要停步 政府要看到多少個中產埋葬于樓市才安樂,樓市它牽連多少行業而無法生存,香港的中產遲早被淪陷變基民向政府拿福利!這些是政府願意看到的嗎 |
18. 安樂蜛 2012-02-14 00:52:16 |
樓上10~~~拉伯伯~~~~ 最脆弱的業主也只是用自己的勤奮努力爭取自己的蜛居,難道一定要採死這群為自己的蜛居而奮鬥,而不拿政府福利的弱小小業主嗎?難道他們是貪嗎?買樓一定是貪嗎?你覺得租安全嗎?不會俾人趕?不會被加租,這些錢你會覺得几年後係你的嗎? 你也憎恨放寬SSD,你只睇到抄家,难道只有对抄家有宜吗?你憎恨這憎恨那的,拉伯伯你返你阿拉伯啦! |
19. 80後銀行從業員 2012-02-14 01:27:02 |
仲達兄真知灼見, 分析獨到. SSD至今只推行了一年零三個月, 到今年年底才屆滿兩年. 到時會如何呢? 以純理論角度看, 從10年11月後買入的樓均不應出售, 如是者市場每多一宗成交, 代表著多一筆資金被鎖死. 但到了12年11月後, 會陸續有解除了SSD的新供應促進成交, 成交量會反彈. 不過這也是在玩火, 幸而現在是低息週期, 供款壓力低, 即使綁2年只要保住份工也沒什麼. 但若經濟逆轉會出現仲達兄描述的情況, 業主們爭相出貨, 跌價之餘又付SSD, 雙重打擊, 後患無窮. 曾蔭權是不會做事的了, 只能寄望下屆政府能早點拆掉這個自製炸彈. 或者起碼優化一下SSD, 將它變成從利稅, 即賺了才交, 虧了不用交, 而不是現在的從價稅. |
20. 仲達 2012-02-14 08:17:46 |
多謝80後銀行從業員賞識,閣下對銀行業及金融方面的專業知識豐富,使大家佩服。 共勉之。 |
21. 心聲的呼喚 2012-02-14 09:27:45 |
仲達兄分析了太貼身到位了,未期政府的無能危害了香港的經濟發展,自由港的白花齊放,嚴重打擊了港人財產的自由交換,SSD已危害到各行各業,香港已失色,市民已付出沉重的代價,取消SSD事在必行! |
22. 中產讀者 2012-02-14 10:22:09 |
仲達一出手,便知有沒有。 有湯博士列出的高手如雲兄、無奈、上善、王先生、O了、仲達,ABC君、80後銀行家等等群策群力,為網站生色不少,也是讀者的福份。 期待更多高質素文章! |
23. SSD的副作用 2012-02-14 10:44:55 |
【爽報】說,居屋王車位炒起72萬成交。大角咀富榮花園居屋王,造價與私樓匹敵外,連車位都貼近私人屋苑。該屋苑新近錄一宗車位買賣,成交價高達72萬元,貴絕全港居屋車位。 |
24. O了 2012-02-14 11:22:37 |
仲達兄和80後銀行從業員对SSD的见解都非常独到。 SSD一真为人垢病的是扭曲市场价格,二手楼惨淡,一手火爆,地价低残,税收减少,小型地产代理拍污蝇,地产商笑骑骑。 如果唔系地产佬太大贪,买地出价太低,令政府卖地流标,大可印印脚一边卖楼花,一边买残地,即时赚取巨额土地差价。 为了打击少数炒家,令巨额公帤流入地产商口袋,所以我一直话提出SSD的人一定是地产佬的代言人。 但话得说回来,现在己经错过了取消SSD的最佳时机,因为SSD借口是打击炒家,压制楼价。 本来去年底楼市向下时取消SSD,可以让楼价加快调整速度,既可让看眼欲穿的准小业主上车,减少社会的燥音,又可避免巨额公帤流入地产商口袋,库房又有稳定的收入。 宜家楼市复生,一旦取消SSD,楼价可能因购买力释放而急升甚至一步到位,反而令社会矛盾更加尖锐。 最好是像两位说的改良SSD,如限期缩短,征盈不征亏等等,这样不但可以压制炒家,也能活化二手市场,缩少与一手市场的差距,地产商也只好以较正常的价格投地,库房收入回复稳定,可乐而不为。 |
25. mini 2012-02-14 23:58:21 |
Last Thursday, Bank of England had injected 50 Billion pounds into its financial system. That is a latest QE ! If there is no mistake, Bank of Japan announced to issue another QE of 10 Trillion Japanese Yen today ! Non-stop printing money come back again ! They Never Give Up To Print Money ! Never Give Up ! What should be do ? In near future, we may see the minimum unit price at HK$6000 per square feet for purchasing a private house in HK !!! |
26. 支持仲達 2012-02-15 00:21:44 |
驚覺"仲達"[SSD之隱患]一文,發覺其對SSD政策嘅害處了解之深,比湯博士更有見地,直迫另一作者"蔡志忠",佢地可以講係英雄所見略同! |
27. 80's landlord 2012-02-15 18:57:54 |
In my opinion, only the government and relevent profession are put unfavourable position under ssd. Property investor, landlord and potential purchase are not affected adversely. Indeed, investor/speculator are happy to see the shortage of supply and gross of rental. The concerns of withdrawal of the policy is now varied from the initial intention of put forward it. It seems the pros of amending/recession is overwhelming over keeping it. Matter how it is done politically right. |
28. 80's landlord 2012-02-15 19:49:42 |
Meanwhile, it is either property tax or profit tax in Hong Kong taxing system. If you refer to profit tax charging on rental income as part of profit, it is not well founded that having exempted it will boost investment market as people will tend to hold instead of trade. |