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1. 80後中港兩地工作的港人 2012-02-04 12:42:34

我覺得政府想幫助基層, 應先向影響大眾的民生日用品著手 (如奶粉, , , 豬肉等等).

國內的自由行, 多會在香港搶購民生用品, 主要原因是香港食材有保證, 另外會覺得在香港買貨送人亦比較體面. 我的國內同事, 多會委託公司的香港人幫他們在香港買奶粉, 手機, 電腦, 百花油, 零食, 紙巾, 生果, 新年的年糖, 瓜子等等. 而有深圳戶籍的國內同事, 會每星期都去香港買日用品.
而我所居住那一區的零售店及街市, 亦人頭擠擁, 有香港人, 國內人, 印巴籍人等等. 他們都認為香港物價上升太快. 因為我經常去已有十多年歷史的一間菜檔買菜買豆腐, 亦感受及聽到物價上升太快的聲音. 大半年前有一次我媽媽問檔主, 點解d菜賣貴了好多, 檔主說業主由原本11萬的租金加到30, 再過多幾個月他不會在這地方開檔, 退休好了現在這檔賣山果, $40一隻火龍果, $100一個蘋果等等的貴生果. 我在那地方附近亦都見過有幾個婆婆夾錢買一些開始變黃的菜.  (其實一般大眾加人工的幅度, 不如物價的加幅, 所以有不少怨氣)

太多不同國籍的人在香港搶購民生用品, 以及商鋪租被搶高, 以前只會是名店及油尖旺的熟食檔租金被搶高, 現在連元朗亦受波及.

相信今次的電費補貼是最多基層市民受惠, 最開心就是此項. 報導說財政預算無照顧N無人事, 即是那些無交稅, 無樓, 無食綜援, 無公屋, 但有收入的人.
我自己都曾經是N無人事(無交稅, 無樓, 無食綜援, 無公屋, 但要付錢租屋及有固定收入) , 從來都無想過要政府派錢, 亦無想過申請公屋, 只希望業主不加租, 努力工作及進修可以加人工, 政棍說要政府幫這些人, 請問如何幫? 電費補貼不是已經幫了? 他們真的需要政府再派6, 去刺激消費, 令到物價進一步上升? 希望政棍不要利用努力工作及生活的小市民, 去達到自己的政治目的.

2. 劏圍棋癲狗 2012-02-04 12:58:40


3. mini 2012-02-04 13:02:24

According the today's newspapers, our lawmakers have proposed to raise their monthly wages to HK$141,000 (i.e. over 200%), but they did not give us several guidelines for this change. What's formula for ? How's about the loss of HK$6.5 billion for building one bridge between HK-Zhuhai-Macau ? Who will pay for this loss ?

At least let voters have a open forum discussing about their workload, work experience, qualifications, performances, attendances, inflations/deflations, ratings, numbers of ordinances made...

Please let 7 million citizens know exactly what the lawmakers actually contributed to our society in the past days... Thanks

4. 60後港牛 2012-02-04 13:23:02

Agreed with Mini.  Yet, I am not sure if the proposed salary / allowance raise is suggested by law makers or someone from the government.

Law makers are not doing their job properly.  They don't deserve any salary increase, not at all!

5. 亞Q 2012-02-04 14:35:34


6. 小人物 2012-02-04 15:41:18
罷了. 要靠這個政府打救者, 不如天助自助算了 正常的淘汰過程猶如新陳代謝. 逆境中, 拼的是耐力, 強者勝, 劣者敗. 落紅不是無情物, 化作春泥更護花 生還者將有更多的養份, 繼續茁壯地成長下去 這亦適用於地產行業: 政府處心積慮想對付的一小撮社會上隱形的食物鏈頂層之人 狠招盡出也只能嚇跑他們, 沒有傷到其分毫 大人物們亦繼續養尊處優地休戰, 月收數以千萬計租金儲蓄實力, 靜待下一次出擊的時機
7. Spider 2012-02-04 16:47:40
To: Mini According to the performance of the Lego Ex, we should reduce their salary by 50% instead of increasing 50%. Just like a private company, only the staffs who can help the company to earn money can have the salary increment. Such rubbish and stupid Lego Ex, they have wasted a lot of Hong Kong tax payer's money and provide absolutely zero contribution to the society. In the private company, such rubbish staffs should already be fired. It is extremely mercy to reduce their salary by 50% only.
8. 小學雞 2012-02-04 17:17:15
9. mini 2012-02-04 18:50:06

We have experienced many junk mails in the old days & nuisance calls for some days.

Now, we really need electronic cops for solving vandalism or a terminator for fixing the vampire on this site.

Please help.


10. 小人物 2012-02-04 23:18:56
盜用我的名字貼這以下個我會比較高興: 歌名: 遲來的春天 作曲: 因幡晃 填詞: 向雪懷 誰人將一點愛閃出希望 從前的一個夢不知不覺再戀上 遲來的春天 不應去愛 無奈卻更加可愛 亦由得它開始又錯多一趟 望見你一生都不會忘 惟嘆相識不著時 情共愛往往如謎 難以猜破 默強忍空虛將心去藏 強將愛去淡忘 矛盾繞心中沒法奔放 誰人知今天我所經的路 何時可 可到達 已經不要再知道 遲來的春天 只想與妳 留下永遠相擁抱 而明知 空歡喜 又再苦惱 面對的彷彿多麼渺茫 更加上這道牆 圍著我縱有熱情難再開放 熱愛的火光不應冷藏 放於冰山底下藏 難做到將真心讓妳一看 矛盾的衝擊令我淒滄
11. 4466 2012-02-05 00:32:32
12. 無明 2012-02-05 14:41:30
贊成現在那些提議及和議加一倍人工的議員辭職, 否則每月都要負入息點算, 香港都唔使要呢種議員啦, 佢地辭咗職大家都好啦, 係咪!
13. O 2012-02-05 15:27:53


Strongly against those Legco councillors to have salary increment !!!

  They should reduce salary, it's ridculous for those shouting members to have salary increase, throwing eggs/ banana,then can go rest better than apply sick leave- Good Show. Then Earn 70K per month.


14. AA 2012-02-05 15:53:42

 Working 52 hours per week ?? How to calculate ? How to verify ? Who control the attendance, is it transparent ?

During sleeping, I also thinking about my work, so I can say I work 100 hours per week

 For those bus drivers who have been working more than 10 hours per day, very few holidays, they worked too hard, for some time, want to take a leave. They still need to go to see a doctor and pay 30$ to buy a medical cert in order to cheat cunning KMB 

  For those councillors, just shouting , throwing things, then they got kick out and take a leave, How comfortable ! Yet some student U grad students still thought they are helping them to fight for equality.


15. 2011年開始 2012-02-05 16:08:03
16. Spider 2012-02-05 17:03:58
If such rubbish Legco councillors can get the salary 140K per month, I will certainly consider to quit my job and try to be a legco councillor. No other job in this world can have such high salary and NEED NOT TO BEAR ANY RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!! In fact, they should reduce their salary to -140K per month based their performance. If there is evaluation on their performance, they should get the negative mark and therefore they should pay HK government 140K per month to compensate the loss of HK people.
17. 網站管理員 2012-02-06 15:17:08




18. Spider 2012-02-06 21:01:29
Hi Guys, let's go to HK Government Facebook and request HK Government to reduce the salary of these rubbish Legco councillors by 50%. In fact, I believe reduce their salary by 90% is even more reasonable based on their extremely poor performance and their damage on HK!
19. mini 2012-02-06 22:54:48
 How's about the loss of HK$6.5 billion for building one bridge between HK-Zhuhai-Macau ? Who will pay for this loss ?
20. 張文大炮 2012-02-07 11:21:31
21. TAM 2012-02-08 16:10:23
Upset about the proposed increase in Legco members enumeration.  They are 'honourable' because the appointment is a public service and not a job.  The renumeration is not wage.  Besides, their job is to examine and criticize bearing no responsibilities.  This is nothing comparable to the Bureau Secretary who need to formulate policies, to actually implement and bear the consequence.  In my view, their renumeration should be less than 10%of that of the Bureau Secretary.