1. 「陳家強見義勇為」 2014-04-15 09:20:14 |
咁東籬嘅? |
2. 睇得通 2014-04-15 09:25:50 |
政府幾時會撤招? 行政會議內有一股政治力量,不斷動議推出辣招!!!不斷研究推出租管的可行性更辣招施政!!!行政長官少啲定力拒絕都唔得??? |
3. 美國尚未減息 2014-04-15 10:14:06 |
最後一段應為: ......美國尚未加息 |
4. Jason 2014-04-15 10:38:43 |
湯博士今日這篇文章特別風趣,看來心情不錯,哪有被辣招打擊、要慌忙賣樓的樣子?所以CY說「成功改變市民對樓市只升不跌的預期」、「成功降服樓市」、「樓市已經不存在抄家」,只是隨便說說而已,至少對專業投資者完全無效。 |
5. 山高雲低 2014-04-15 10:51:35 |
6. Admin 2014-04-15 10:53:42 |
7. 港家庭倫理被辣招破壞 2014-04-15 11:12:37 |
聽某網說因 BSD, DSD 及壓測, 現在買樓及按樓要發誓, 首期資金是自已而任何部份都不是從第三者(包括父母妻兒)得來,而且往後日子裏供樓資金亦不得來自第三者(包括父母妻兒)。若然辣招壓測法例是真的這樣嚴緊, 香港市民的家庭倫理價值何在。 |
8. 法子 2014-04-15 11:32:49 |
回4樓 Jason:
positive cashflow positive carry
這樣看著需求不停累積,其實很舒服,但早年賣了樓的人等跌,是輸了機會成本。而且每月畀租。 |
9. 大王妹 2014-04-15 12:33:25 |
我上年借3成首期比侄女,中銀也要我填寫是我餽贈給她先可,比銀行吹賬 |
10. 蜕变中嘅懶人 2014-04-15 13:36:47 |
SSD嘅效力同成交量成正比, 成交量睇嚟呢2年都會少, 猶其是2手, 即係被鎖住嘅樓愈來愈少, 而且新樓被鎖多過2手樓好多, 雖然買新樓時有發展商俾辣招稅, 但2年內賣樓要照買價賣兼貼SSD兼送辣招稅, 咁樣個買家先至係平手同發展商買新樓一樣, 賣嗰個蝕死, 買嗰個無着數, 不如買新樓, 新樓預計今, 明两年供應大增, 兼且發展商投地以低價混水摸魚, 睇嚟市場氣氛難以加價, 加上鬆綁2手樓量增多應市, 前輩們話今年樓市爆升, 我持保留心態, 我對16年中美國至會真正加息, 目前嚟諗係正路, 加上中國經濟预測負面較多, 若加上泛民同佔中三子到時學台湾, 又佔中又佔立法會, 都係負面因素, 正面因素比較難諗, 到時樓市會點實難逆料, 我純係看風駛帆之徒, 無一定立場, 但講真, 10年至今, 心態由大好友轉為小淡, 唔知前輩們點睇? |
11. Albert 2014-04-15 13:44:28 |
需求沒有被壓下去, 而且, 會再積聚. 政府只能壓下成交量而已, 想買同需要買的人只是過不了收緊按揭同壓力測試. 水太多應"疏導", 而唔係起大壩.... 上游水不斷, 中游在截水, 下游冇水食..... |
12. Alan Pepper 2014-04-15 15:01:23 |
To 10/F
Investment strategy needs to cater to the investor, and is different for everyone. For example, it would be unreasonable for myself to follow the investment strategy of Li Ka Shing. First he has got a lot more capital, second he has a lot more global opportunities, thirdly, he has "teams" of investment professionals, and finally he is superman.
For business people like myself who are busy running the business, property is a low maintenance way against inflation. That is all. It is only better than putting cash in the bank at current periods. That does not mean we don't put cash in the bank, and that does not mean we don't borrow money neither. But we borrow money from the bank for business transactions, not speculation on property markets.
For people who hold jobs, one should focus on getting promotion and pay raises, this is a productive thing to do. And for these people time is also very limited. That is the reason property is also a good low maintenance investment tool.
I don't think anyone here got rich by investing in properties. I believe in hard work in your profession. This is where real growth comes from. Property is just a hedge against inflation. So forget about market sentiment. There will be ups and downs as long as you keep low debt you should do fine.
But if you are interested, Market sentiment here is probably upside potential low, down side risk high. But limited to around 15% down. But my gut feeling? Upside potential very high in mid to long term, downside potential almost none (unless war or political changes, and interest rate should not have adverse effects actually, because the only way interest rate will rise is USA economy become better?) but I will never over leverage based on my gut feeling.
In conclusion, keep your investment at a safe level, you should win in the long run. |
13. Alan Pepper 2014-04-15 15:04:50 |
I forgot the source of a famous saying, it goes something like this:
"why I invest in land? Well, they don't make them anymore" |
14. T0 13/f 2014-04-15 16:23:58 |
Correct, BOND , money , stocks, warrants, === all can print out . except LAND and GOLD ( not paper gold ) |
15. to 12f 2014-04-15 16:53:46 |
係呢度,係人都知湯生靠生產發達啦。 |
16. to 14/f 2014-04-15 17:05:22 |
to 14/f, agree, although land is much more useful than gold, gold is almost useless... |
17. 肥婆四 2014-04-15 17:38:04 |
湯博士,不仿悲壯D,講埋後面嗰句喇,斷古都唔怕下馬,D樓比用家買下又一間,辣椒又鎖住一間,CY慢慢察覚分分鐘驚過你,加埋D政策同上面相沖,佢唔撤就佢撤!計落贏面几高格。 |
18. 每天都看 2014-04-15 19:19:24 |
Very Funny |