1. 筍盤漸現 二手擴議幅利交投 2014-03-31 10:27:43 |
筍盤漸現 二手擴議幅利交投 【晴報專訊】上周末十大藍籌屋苑錄得約十宗買賣成交,按周升25%,成交重拾升軌。代理表示,發展商低價推盤,同時加息預期明朗化,令二手業主開始進一步擴大減幅,購買力重回二手市場。 按美聯物業周末成交量分布統計,九龍區四個指標屋苑錄得約4宗成交,按周升33.3%,只有麗港城未錄得成交;港島區3個指標屋苑則錄得3宗成交;新界區則錄3宗成交,以沙田第一城錄得2宗交投較多。 美聯物業住宅部行政總裁布少明表示,西九龍大熱新盤周六推售216伙,即日沽清,反應理想。由於發展商以具競爭力之售價促銷,加上美國加息時間表明朗化,業主進一步接受現實,價質俱優的「盤」開始見承接。而一手定價的持續吸引,釋放購買力流入市場,有助刺激交投。布少明相信以現時市場的購買力,隨着業主議價空間擴大,二手成交將有力進一步提升。 新港城337呎 383萬易手 周末多宗成交,包括新港城3期N座高層2室,建築面積446呎,實用面積337呎,有海景,獲外區用家以約383萬元入市,折合建呎8,587元,實呎11,365元。 另外,康怡花園G座中層8室三房單位,建築面積858呎,實用面積685呎,望內園景,獲外區用家以約805萬元入市,折合建呎9,382元,實呎11,752元。 |
2. hongkong people 2014-03-31 10:55:07 |
習總出巡歐洲,朋友多得是,有錢有朋友,從來都是真理....但真心的有幾多,睇怕係零,所以呢....不需太認真. |
3. hongkong people 2014-03-31 11:15:28 |
但我奇怪,全世界最民主的法國,選民居然要在沒選擇下選擇奧朗德,更莫論一般選民要生活在失業,無助的經濟困境下; 他們的境況真值得日日髙喊民主的港人深思..... |
4. haha 2014-03-31 15:56:37 |
所謂的教授,根本不看事實: 事實是: 推行西式民主的國家,絕大多數不發達, 而所謂發達的現在都負債累累,面臨破產! 西式民主優越在那裡???? |
5. 利益每天都在被損害,卻具有統治階級的意識。 2014-03-31 16:17:43 |
Western country have rich citizen but poor government. China have rich government but poor citizen, but still think china government is good like haha.
中國就有這麼一群奇怪的人,本身是最底階層,利益每天都在被損害,卻具有統治階級的意識。在動物世界裏找這麼弱智的東西都幾乎不可能。 haha is exactly this.
6. hongkong people 2014-03-31 21:24:41 |
To No 5,
你講得對,西方民主國家大部份窮到要破產; 但你係邊度見到西方國家的人民有錢?願聞其詳.
這幾年,每年我都有一兩個月的時間在不同的西方國家遊走,而我蠻喜歡觀察不同地方的人....就我所見,北歐同比荷,生活尚算ok,不至於到處係賊同乞兒,南歐就相當恐怖,老嘅就等死咁樣,後生就係賊同乞兒; 美國人就出名窮,無錢剩,有份工就表面風光,唔駛我講,當然每一個地方都有少部份相當富有的人; 我相信經濟好時大部份西方國家嘅人都心中富有,錢銀上抽完重稅都好難富有,而家經濟,佢哋可唔可以保持心中富有就難講.
表面上,中國貪污嚴重,人民利益被損害,关係好直接,易理解; 西方所謂民主,簡直係理想烏托幫,但係根本就係糖衣陷阱,最厲害就係可以損害咗你你都唔知,仲係度髙呼萬歲,儍爆.
估你後生,對現實世界缺乏理解,同你分享下.如果你真係覺得西方國家咁好,可以移民去,好便宜,50萬美金可去美國,10萬歐羅可去歐盟,易到爆. |
7. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-03-31 22:29:22 |
well, look at the 5 English speaking democratic countries, US/UK/AU/CA/NZ, look at their cars, the size of their home, the school of their kids, the food they eat (even with foodstamp), even the air they breath, you will know they they are much better of then fucking chinese. (I am in my 30s, bought overseas properties already and working on immigration). DO you think those rich chinese moving to those countries are stupid? If you just look at the number in bank account and think that the chins are rich, then you are also as poor. Europe has too much leftwing thinking legacy draggin the development. |
8. 同意5樓 2014-03-31 23:03:55 |
非常同意你的講法,中國人真係好多自己一事無成,郤口口聲聲講愛國,甚至以此謀生。好多人都唔介意剝削,最緊要係被剝削的唔係自己,只要自己係得益者,真係沒人介意是否公理同正義,連最起碼的規則和道義都欠奉。咁的民族會長治久安?成為一個被受尊重的大國?真係前路漫漫! |
9. Hongkong People 2014-03-31 23:43:21 |
Three out of the five countries you named are rich in natural resources. They are doing ok owing to they have something they can exploit from their land, not owing to they have a superior system. i just don't want people blindly believe that democracy is the only solution to what we have now and in fact it will be poisonous to hk as we don't have any natural resources to cling to with the bubbling of welfare along with the so called "democracy".
Are u a Chinese? I won't call any nationals "fucking" what....if you are a Chinese, I am really surprised that you call your own race "fucking Chinese". In this sense, I am much richer than you by all means.
I think you make a good choice, go somewhere else where you think suits you. Good luck!
10. anggie T. 2014-04-01 00:41:07 |
Agree with Hong Kong People. Sometimes Hongkies these days are poison-minded by the concept "democracy"........It is not some kind of medicine that could cure your all your diseases. The fall of American & European "empires" is not the direct fault of democracy but a by-product of it. I was told by lots of the expats they hate the stupid politicians(I don't wanna use fucX coz I have certain standard & have no intentions to greet my own race or other people "FuXX", especially in the eyes of expat. , they'd just laugh the hell out of you if you call mainlanders "F"Chinese, in their eyes, you could have a foreign passport but they still judge you by your skin color & race, therefore, I will only bless my own country whether it's ruled by Communist/Guomindang or whichever party) By the way, it's not that difficult to immigrate abroad, people go for different reasons. My husband is from Northern Europe, in his own country he is the richest 1-3% but in Hong Kong he could only be top ten 5-10%, that tells you alot why we're staying in Hong Kong & we love this stupid place!!! The air & house & school in other places may or may not be better, but I love the chances here for smart people!!! |
11. PN 2014-04-01 08:32:31 |
I had been working for the Dutch for awhile and that is what they said: A- Tax is high and that is a given, you cannot get around it except you stop working B- Benefits were rich (not sure now) so people try to look at the rule book and see how they can fully exploit the system. Things like organize few friends and set up a 'band', then making claim against some cultural subsidies etc. Sadly we don't see 'A' in HK yet but people seem picking up 'B' rather well. If you believe 'democracy' itself can resolve all the problems. I strongly recommend you to migrate to India or Indonesia, or Pakistan. |
12. 自我陶醉 2014-04-01 08:44:41 |
To 10 & 11/F
罵得好! Just by looking at our own Legco, we can already tell democracy is NOT a solution. |
13. 山西政協also said fucking chinese 2014-04-01 09:58:40 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIMXlUKzCIY he is part of the CCP elite class, also australia citizen. maybe I can come back to be one as well, since chinese only recognise money but nothing else. |
14. democracy not a solution 2014-04-01 10:09:31 |
but the best democracy (us/uk/aus) are still better then the best dictatorship (china) and the worst democracy (India/Indonesia/Pakistan) are much worst than the worst dictatorship (N Korea, Venezuela etc) Actually, China effective tax rate is about 85% of the western countries (just embedded in the sales of good so they have to but water good from HK) and most people avoid tax illegally. However, Chinese citzen have poor school, bad food, air and water. e.g. fucking sichuen chinese government sell carbon quota to japanese in carbon trade, and use the money to punish people complaint about the pollution, so smart! but so poor are the citizens who bear the pollution cost and also get jailed for complaining.
Again, I can see that those fucking chinese here have only money in their little brain, just look at number, but not the food, the water, the air, the education and the freedom. So poor.... but they deserve it.
15. 自我陶醉 2014-04-01 11:04:48 |
the best democracy (us/uk/aus) are still better then the best dictatorship (china)???
That's what you think only. Look at US, they have gun shooting tragedies for decades and they wanted to pass legislation to restrict the selling of guns but what happened? This has been dragging on forever. This is their democracy.
Do you know why they are so indebted? Because of the benefits they gave out -- from their future generations. This is their democracy. You think this is good but sorry not for me.
By the way, I only heard bloody Chinese directing to one person only but not to the whole nation. |
16. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-01 11:39:45 |
a lot of gun tragedies?? China have more chopping kills instances, and also on the rise, not to mention the dead from disease due to pollution and bad food. how about uk and aus? also losa tragedies?
for debt, it depends on the interest rate, 13, 0001, are also debt in the balance sheet, just that those are low interest loan (actually, even your money in big banks like 0005 are the bank's debt, but how much interest you get?) , and the effect of inflation dilute the loan, so the world is giving material (not money) for the US to consume, while other countires "bank account numbers" look good. china have no debt? come on and get real! are u idiot and can't read news? china only have losa usd reserve, the gov, esp local gov, are still greatly in debt!
17. hongkong people 2014-04-01 11:58:29 |
to no. 7,you said you buy a foreign property, i am curious who gave it to you. if you think that you earned it all by yourself, think clearly why you can earn it, who gave you the environment to earn the money....飲水思源啊! that's all directly or indirectly given by who you called "fucking" Chinese. guess you are proud of yourself by achieving this in your 30s. go and check your peers in that five english speaking countries, see what have now. and don't be idiot to think that you are smarter than them and so you deserve all these.btw, i am in my early 40s, other than what i have in hk, i bought a property with a super prime location in one of largest US city, fully paid up. my renter is in his late 30s, highly educated and in a middle to top management position in his company. but only got about 30% downpayment in his pocket for my property. i won't claim all the credits for what i have, but just feel blessed that i am in a place given me lots of opportunities. and last year, i spent two months in US and just realised that they have least sense of environmental protection. first, they have highest per capita bottled water consumption. second, per capita, they use highest amount disposable meal containers. third, they have highest carbon dioxide emittion with their cars. do you know about that? |
18. hongkong people 2014-04-01 12:05:32 |
lots of chopping events are terrorist attack by 東突. guess who is behind 東突.... our world police brother US. why US doing this? smart as u should be able to figure out. |
19. middle middle class 2014-04-01 12:47:04 |
People in Southern Europe is not that bad. Not beggars and homeless everywhere, but job opportunity is really scarce and lots of anti-government activities. I travel every 2 months to Italy, Spain, Swiss, Germany, France and UK. You might not believe, but a lot of unemployment figure in the S.EU is NOT TRUE. Some "poor" people claimed the social securities on one hand, and get payroll in cash ( not paying any tax to the government ) on the other. By the way, the entrance fees to reside within the EU is no longer Euro$160,000.00 ( Spanish immigration policy announced by late 2012 ). Now the min charge is Euro$400,000.00. |
20. 自我陶醉 2014-04-01 13:04:56 |
To 16/F
Are we not talking about democracy? When did we shift the topic to crime? Or did you find it hard to defend yourself on "democracy"? Tell me which country has no crime, which country has no bad guys. Have you watched The wolf of Wall Street yet? How greedy and unscrupulous they can be. Everywhere in the world is the same.
How about UK/AUS? You talked about Democracy. We focus on the "most" democratic country you picked.
Local debt in China??? Who will shoulder it when it goes bust? It is the Govt because they are rich enough. How about US? When the Seatle municipal debt went bust, it was the bond owners/local citizens who suffered. When US treasury bond go bust, who do you think will suffer? |
21. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-01 13:31:26 |
I love Hong Kong, actually I came from welfare family and got solid schoolship and grant in school. But HK != China, I hate china are those idiot brain washed by china gov (like those saying chopping is due to US influence, not china gov oppressing minorities) On fact, as China econ going down (with fake GDP not adjusted to real inflation), china is trying to harm hk even more (like saying citic taking money from HK stock market but they are the 恩主 of hong kong. do you believe that china inflatio is 2% as announced? the real inflation should be about 7-8%, so the real gdp growth of china should be like 2-3%, less than HK, not to metioned that it is investment and debt driven! HK owe nothing from china (freewalk just fair trade, but their media brainwash people as if they just pay us money but leave the goods in HK!). In fact china owe Hk a lot (since culture revolution, to reform and investment, to flooding to earthquake etc). As CCP try to play down and discriminate HK ppl (must worse than racist in the west!) it's better to go elsewhere. I still have several properties in HK (not planning to sell, but will keep investing overseas).
BTW, CCP is not that rich, Those usd reserve can't be (and need not be) used to replace debt, they just do massive QE to dilute their debt like US, and doing much worse is you look at the figures. Get real, the CCP won't pay the usd to the domestic gov debt holder.
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-11-25/chart-day-how-chinas-stunning-15-trillion-new-liquidity-blew-bernankes-qe-out-water |
22. to 自我陶醉 2014-04-01 13:38:19 |
the most democractic countries in the world is switzerland (with a lot of referendum), followed by the northern europe based on some objective scales from the Economist magazine, read more before commenting.
china gov have relatively short history, who know it won't go bankrupt after 100 years like Greece? Us is not real bankruptcy as it own virtually no debt in foreign money (but china does!), so it can just print to replace demographically, this is very likely because china is "getting old before getting rich" and the rich are moving to other countries. |
23. 自我陶醉 2014-04-01 14:05:05 |
To 22/F
I hope you did what you said too before commenting. Pls read again what I wrote. Did you see the word 'you picked'? Zzz... |
24. 自我陶醉 2014-04-01 14:11:55 |
Oh by the way, I thought we are talking about the situation now. But if you are talking about China 2000 years later I have no idea. As you said I shouldn't comment. |
25. Biu 2014-04-01 14:41:52 |
皮條白頭陳,大陸班工廠打工仔老闆話要拾件捌件法國妹。質素要求唔高只要是法國藉的女人都可以,你夠唔夠囡囡呀?如果唔夠屋企那幾件豬扒拿出來搵食啦,搵錢重要難得豬扒都有人啃,你真係家山有福。唉你就發啦。 |
26. rich citezen: 西班牙一家吃過期接濟食物, 三人中毒亡 2014-04-01 15:03:29 |
to 4 樓: "Western country have rich citizen but poor government" 西班牙一家吃過期接濟食物, 三人中毒亡 【本報綜合報道】西班牙一家四口上周五吃過魚肉罐頭作晚餐後,父母及大女兒先後中毒死亡,小女兒經搶救後暫時檢回一命。據報他們所吃的魚肉罐頭是由外界接濟所得,而且是過期食物,堪稱西班牙貧民悲歌。 事發於西班牙西南部城巿瓜代拉。一家人吃過晚餐後陸續屙嘔,致電報警求助。醫護人員查看後認為毋須送院。至翌晨,一家人情況惡化,再次致電求助,終被送院。六十一歲父親、五十歲母親及十四歲大女其後不治,剩下十三歲細女經搶救後情況有改善。 鄰居表示,近年死者夫婦均失業,以拾紙皮維生,本年十月起申請了救濟,靠當地商店派發免費食物接濟。瓜代拉巿長宣布全巿哀悼三天。2013年12月17日 |
27. 西方國家國民富裕?? 2014-04-01 15:08:44 |
經濟危機副作用 陽光希臘轉陰暗 / (法新社雅典4日電) 希臘生病了。 沒完沒了的經濟危機打擊人們的神經,自殺和身心 疾病案例都在增加。根據統計,希臘男性每4人就有1個 最近曾犯憂鬱症,女性比例更達1/3,分別達到和接近 歐洲平均值的兩倍。 今年4月,1名77歲退休而且罹患癌症的獨居老人留 下遺書,自稱難以度日,然後在雅典市中心廣場飲彈自 盡,槍聲在希臘全國回蕩。 ……去年上半年,希臘自殺案 例較前年同期暴增40%,新聞每天都在報導有人自殺。 … 如: 飽受經濟衰退及歐債危機折磨的希臘,再有國民因生活太貧苦而自殺: 雅典一名六十歲音樂家前日早上,跟九十一歲的年邁母親手牽手,從五樓寓所跳下身亡。任職音樂家的兒子留下遺言,稱經濟危機來得太突然,他們連買食物都無錢,加上健康惡化,兩母子陷入絕境,才會選擇輕生。
28. to 5樓,rich citezen 2014-04-01 15:11:10 |
29. rich citezen英國碩士為支付學費, 做應召女郎, 2014-04-01 15:14:43 |
英國碩士為支付學費, 做應召女郎, 遭追200萬稅款 | (星島日報報導)一名英國女子十多年前做碩士生時開始當應召女郎,多年來賺了三十萬英鎊(約三百七十四萬港元),但從未報稅。倫敦薩瑟克皇家法院下令她在三個月內繳付十七萬五千英鎊(約二百一十八萬港元)的稅款及行政費,否則判其坐牢兩年半。
三十歲被告奧特斯(Donna Asutaits)為了支付在西敏大學念碩士的學費,在十多年前開始賣身。她在網站刊登廣告,並在不同的伴遊公司工作,每晚可賺一千英鎊。二○○七年,她在騎士橋購入價值三十六萬英鎊的公寓,繳付了十一萬英鎊首期。
當局在二○一一年揭發她從未報稅,二○○五至○七年間合共瞞稅十二萬英鎊,警方其後把她拘捕。 | |
30. 1001 case 2014-04-01 15:15:57 |
compare this http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%B4%B5%E5%B7%9E%E6%AF%95%E8%8A%82%E6%B5%81%E6%B5%AA%E5%84%BF%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6 their hospital didn't ask for upfront money to save that live
at least, china gov don't give people a fuck, 鄰居表示,近年死者夫婦均失業,以拾紙皮維生,本年十月起申請了救濟,靠當地商店派發免費食物接濟。瓜代拉巿長宣布全巿哀悼三天。2013年12月17日 |
31. west rich citizen: 青年失業率超過40% 2014-04-01 15:16:46 |
| 昨天,意大利公怖 失業率為12.7%, 青年失業率超過40% | |
32. 咁都唔係有錢? 2014-04-01 15:18:33 |
每晚可賺一千英鎊。二○○七年,她在騎士橋購入價值三十六萬英鎊的公寓,繳付了十一萬英鎊首期。 For the spain case, even compare the richest dictatorship, china, with a poor decomcratic in euro, spain, it's not that bad. |
33. west rich citizen: 500萬失業 2014-04-01 15:19:00 |
你話西方國民富裕喔! 西班牙不景鄉下村莊大平賣 65萬港元有交易 【on.cc東網專訊】年前席捲全球的金融海嘯令多個歐洲國家元氣大傷,當中西班牙是影響最嚴重的國家之一,失業率高達20%,超過5百萬人失業。當地許多鄉郊居民為了生計,紛紛遷往城市尋找工作,以致許多村莊荒廢無人打理,當中一些更以超低價放售,5萬英鎊(約65萬港元)有交易。
待售的村莊部分不但佔地面積廣闊,且包括房舍、倉庫等。就以其中一個位於里貝拉薩克拉(Ribeira Sacra)、佔地近3千平方米的村莊為例,包括6個房舍、1個貨倉,索價只需7.5萬英鎊(約97萬港元)。另一個位於龐蒂諾瓦的村莊更超值,只需5萬英鎊(約65萬港元),就可擁有1間3房大屋及另外5棟房子,1個水池,以及1.3萬平方米的農地。 2014/3/10 |
34. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-01 15:24:47 |
昨天,意大利公怖 失業率為12.7%, 青年失業率超過40% poor little chinese just look at number, those are a lot of fake unemployment for welfare income. also, their young are relatively small number compared to the overall population. China didn't have to spend a lot to take care of the relatively young population, as the population ages, china will be either be heavily in debt, a lot of unemployment or worse, just ignore the poor and weak and wipe them out with inflation (favour on those wealthy people who are inflation-proof with their properties) also, the west can afford high unemployment due to high productivities, a lot of people can get by without a job. http://www.skypost.hk/column/%E9%83%8E%E5%92%B8%E5%B9%B3/007001004052/%E4%BA%BA%E5%8F%A3%E7%B4%85%E5%88%A9%E6%98%AF%E5%81%BD%E7%B6%93%E6%BF%9F%E5%AD%B8%E5%91%BD%E9%A1%8C/130402 |
35. top dog vs underdog comparison 2014-04-01 15:28:19 |
if you only look at number, maybe a build in 東莞 is more expesive then in spain, but just think about the food, drink, pollution etc. again, is this the best you can do?comparing underdog democracy spain with top dog dictatorship china? |
36. hongkong people 2014-04-01 15:54:38 |
前面几位嘅posting 令我想起2002-2003年香港沒有自由行的日子,每日報導有人食2手飯或陷入經濟絕境自殺身亡. 有工返嘅就驚聽日被炒. 經歷咗嗰個時代,真係冇D後生咁自信,日日髙呼我冇欠你,所有都係fair trade,反而你欠我,你水災同地震我都有捐款. 得閒無事日日出去玩驅蝗,見到都想打巴呢班唔識死嘅友仔,不事生產,害人害物. |
37. hongkong people 2014-04-01 16:07:37 |
To 中國窮得只剩錢:
如果你覺得中國經濟唔夠好,你就應該賣咗香港D樓,中港經濟highly correlated.呢個常識你唔會冇掛.
另外,你話中國oppress 少數民族,你點得知? 我上年去新彊旅遊半月,顧少數民族司机,照佢所講,中國有好多政策對少數民族優待,例如,佢哋無一孩政策,要生幾多都可以,而經濟上對佢哋都係大力支接,佢哋嘅GDP 增長連續几年髙踞全國之首,中國對少數民族從來都係懷柔政策而非髙壓政策.
你可以舉例說明中國怎樣欺壓少數民族嗎? |
38. 西方國民都富裕??宣傳機器的謊言 2014-04-01 16:11:58 |
希臘自2009年以來,緊縮已經把國家衛生預算砍了令人咋舌 的25%。 有醫師形容這簡直是「戰爭狀態」。 醫生薪水被砍1/4,保全人員則連薪水都沒有;護 士越來越少,醫療用品短缺的情況越來越常見。 雅典肺病專科醫生曼特奧(Meropi Manteou)說: 「越來越多病人沒錢按正常程式看病,只好瞎掰有緊急 情況,來給醫生檢查。我們設法幫助安全網照顧不到的 最貧困的患者,但這還能撐多久?」 貧窮增加,接著會導致窮人疾病也增加,尤其是肺 結核。 |
39. hongkong people 2014-04-01 16:12:15 |
唔好我話我poor little chinese 只信數字, 中國經濟數據好,造假不值信,歐洲數據差,again 不值信, 只有你廢up 值信, 可笑嗎? |
40. 西方國民都富裕??宣傳機器的謊言 2014-04-01 16:14:11 |
41. 難付擔電費 英國今冬料2.4萬老人凍死 2014-04-01 16:15:45 |
難付擔電費 英國今冬料2.4萬老人凍死 【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】英國一個慈善團體昨晚指,估計今個冬天每日將有200名老人因未能負擔暖爐電費而凍死。 調查指,由於電費急增,300萬老人憂慮家中暖氣設施不夠溫暖,600萬老人擔心難以負擔電費,共有24,000名老人會因寒冷天氣死亡,而他們的死是可避免的。 |
42. 自我陶醉 2014-04-01 18:56:50 |
To 21/F
Believe it or not, China keeps progressing in the last few decades. I had a chance representing my company to meet with a 山東政協 few years ago. I was so surprised how smart and westernised he was and it totally changed the impression I had with the Chinese leadership.
People complain and leave HK now reminded me of the same situation we had in the early 90's, ie after june 4, 89. Maybe you are too young to notice. At that time, everyone was trying all they could to get a foreign passport. There were suddenly lots of senior and middle mgt opportunities available for youngsters. After 1997, many of those migrated returned realising that they would have been a lot better if they had stayed at that time. It doesn't really matter who stays and who goes. This is everyone's own choice of lifestyle based on personal preference. No one is indispensable no matter how rich or smart. The world will still progress and the earth will still rotate as before. But remember, China is the growth engine for world economy in the next decades and every country is now trying hard to establish a link with her. |
43. BB 2014-04-01 19:41:37 |
利益每天都在被損害,卻具有統治階級的意識, 看看你的主子們如何接待中國國家主席: 韓國《亞洲經濟》3月31日報導說,此次習近平主席歐洲之行,所到之處都受到各國熱烈歡迎。 比利時採用最高國賓禮遇,首相迪呂波還親自到機場迎接,菲力浦國王則陪同習近平出席所有公開活動。 此前在德國,總理默克爾在自己的官邸招待習近平夫婦,這也是她再次擔任總理以來首次在私宅招待外賓。 法國為了招待習近平,在凡爾賽宮上演古典歌劇,連8條車道的香榭麗舍大街也一整天封閉。 歐洲之所以如此重視習近平此次訪問,很大程度上是希望擴大與中國經貿合作和吸引中國資本投資以解決各國面臨的財政危機。 |
44. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-02 13:18:47 |
Can see a bunch of idiot trying to argue that "Chinese are taller than the Kweilo by finding some short kweilo". Saying that Yao Ming is almost twice as tall as ex french president Sarkozy mean nothing when you look at the formal height statistics. Just look at per capita GDP (and the real inflation adjusted growth is much lower than you think), is china so rich? did you adjust for the much younger population and the gov that didn't even start to provide welfare for the previous generation who has on average 10 years short lifespan due to bad health care and pollution?
45. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-02 13:18:58 |
Can see a bunch of idiot trying to argue that "Chinese are taller than the Kweilo by finding some short kweilo". Saying that Yao Ming is almost twice as tall as ex french president Sarkozy mean nothing when you look at the formal height statistics. Just look at per capita GDP (and the real inflation adjusted growth is much lower than you think), is china so rich? did you adjust for the much younger population and the gov that didn't even start to provide welfare for the previous generation who has on average 10 years short lifespan due to bad health care and pollution?
46. 自我陶醉 2014-04-02 13:44:39 |
Again, it is your choice. Good luck and hope you live happy there as a second class citizen. Do not return as HK/China is such an evil place for 'smart' guys like you. Haha! |
47. haha 2014-04-02 14:24:04 |
"Western country have rich citizen " 說此話的人簡直是白癡,奴才! 看看事實: 歐債危機再釀悲劇(2012年05月22日)
他當場死亡,兩名子女則送院後傷重不治。男事主曾企圖強迫任職護士的妻子走到窗前,但她反抗掙脫。女戶主受驚過度,需送院治療。 |
48. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-02 16:47:34 |
So your understanding is that Europe have higher per capita GDP means that every single family are rich? Understanding statistics in this way 簡直是白癡,奴才! 看看事實: So you have to search for news 2 years ago to justify your claim? old news so exciting! why don't print it on wallpaper? 歐債危機再釀悲劇(2012年05月22日)
49. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-02 16:57:02 |
Hong Kong allows due citizenship, if you are capable, it's always good to have citizenship for another country (of course you need to have the money and qualification). btw, that fucking chinese DAB and shanxi represenative is Australian citizen, so Xi Jin Ping's brother. 現年57歲、一向低調的習遠平,近期忽然高調出席各項紀念父親的活動,不僅讓外界感到意外,亦遭網民起底,如他早在1997年之前就移居香港,后移居澳洲等,但有關信息很快遭刪除。 http://b5.secretchina.com/news/13/10/17/516742.html |
50. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-02 17:21:24 |
If CCP treat even the southern people like this (maybe those protest are also planned by US gov as some would like to think), oppressing minority groups won't be light-handed.
http://forum.memehk.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=59462 China just used their health and environment to exchange for the paper wealth. 茂名繼續發生示威和鎮壓事件,有人話死多了8個人,到現在有15死。茂名到廣州的巴士和火車都停止了,恐怕他們轉去了廣州示威,帶動廣州群眾。環球時報發了社論,話周圍都建不了PX廠,一建PX廠,當地便會有示威,結果就要停。這已發生了很多次,PX廠對國家的重化工是很重要,不能食物般可以靠入口,這種論調是很可笑。這可謂「針唔拮到肉唔知痛」。這是會生癌的,看你覺不覺得為了國家的需要,可以犧牲。如果是這樣,是要找一個很安全的地方,一個遠離群眾的地方才可以建的。還要考慮防護措施是否足夠。因為大陸做事的馬虎程度是令人難以致信。這次的鎮壓是用了很多暴力。我們看到的圖片及片段是有對群眾開槍。我也不知那是不是橡膠子彈,還是甚麼。但如我昨日所講,召集了數千警力,用棍亂打,必要時甚至會開槍。這看來是習近平的新作風。 |
51. lok 2014-04-03 10:38:25 |
西方模式下的普選政治, 只注重選票的數量, 不注重選票的質量, 這導致政客只顧眼前上台的利益, 為撈選票, 不顧國家的長遠利益,導致債務困境與危機。 以台灣地區為例: 看看前臺灣駐香港最高負責人江素惠的文章: 臺灣的債務危機實與選舉有關,政黨為求勝選展開惡性競爭,用行政資源買票 ……繼希臘陷入嚴重債務危機之後,歐盟另五國相繼陷入危機,美國亦緊隨其後,目前臺灣債務累累,將步歐美債務危機的後塵,有學者擔心臺灣將成為希臘第二。
為鞏固政權或爭取政權,朝野兩大政黨提出減稅及增加社會福利, 且競相加碼,置財政安危於不顧。 現選舉在即,公務員加薪,增加老人年金和榮民養老金,調降個人綜合所得稅及營利稅。稅收減少,錢從哪裡來,卻不考慮。實是政治綁架經濟,造成財政惡化。
52. lok 2014-04-03 10:39:42 |
| 採用西式民主的國家當中, 90%以上都是不發達的,如: 印度,菲律賓,海地,希臘……... 等等! 發達的西式民主國家有十幾個,如: 美國,日本,英國等等,都是前殖民主義者,都曾經拿槍炮在全球範圍內搶劫 累積財富後,才逐步逐步發展西式民主的! 而且,逐步出現 政客選民不負責任政治---政客用福利買選票,選民用選票買福利—相互欺騙: 政客但求上臺,不負責任,相競增加選民福利等等;選民也不負責任,為求少勞多獲,就選不負責任的政客! 但錢不夠,就借債; 還錢,就推給下一屆政府;不斷往後推!由於工資高-工時短等因素令營商成本高,投資者撤離,產業空洞化!進一步減少政府稅收,推高失業率,惡性循環! 導致歐美等西式民主國家面臨破產! 現在靠借債度日,面臨破產了! 西式民主優越在那裡?? | |
53. lok 2014-04-03 10:41:48 |
"Western country have rich citizen " 說此話的人簡直是白癡,奴才! 看看事實: 義大利一名父親被廣告公司辭退後,擔心未能找到新工作及家庭經濟惡化,與妻子爭執後,先後將14個月大女兒及4歲大兒子,從6樓寓所的露臺拋落地面,然後自己墮樓自殺。
他當場死亡,兩名子女則送院後傷重不治。男事主曾企圖強迫任職護士的妻子走到窗前,但她反抗掙脫。女戶主受驚過度,需送院治療。 |
54. lok 2014-04-03 10:42:49 |
西方國民都富裕??宣傳機器的謊言 2014-04-01 16:14:11 | | | |
55. 奴才在攻擊中國,主子在討好中國 2014-04-03 11:27:23 |
法國為了招待習近平, 在凡爾賽宮上演古典歌劇, 連8條車道的香榭麗舍大街也一整天封閉。 |
56. 路人 2014-04-04 08:43:05 |
to 49 樓, 網民起底??? 法輪功教主李紅痣說自己能隔牆取物,自己能浮在空中,你信否? |
57. 雷鼎鳴 2014-04-04 09:45:28 |
有台灣傳媒找我訪問,希望知道CEPA在港落實後的正反經驗。但在交談中我感覺到,記者似乎對CEPA如何拖累了香港的經濟與社會,興趣大得多,也許台灣某部分反服貿的民眾很想從香港中找到反面教材,以壯聲勢吧。 這個要求確實使我搜索枯腸,也找不到使他們滿意的答案,這要從CEPA的歷史及性質說起。 2003年6月29日溫家寶總理訪港,在禮賓府簽訂了有關CEPA的「安排」,當中包括了374項原產地是香港的產品可零關稅輸入內地,另外又對18個服務領域提供進入內地的優惠待遇,港人熟悉的「自由行」,也從那時開始。其後「安排」的範圍不斷擴大,到了今年1月1號實施的「補充協議十」,已累計有403項服務貿易開放措施。
內地開放市場 港企添出路
內地與香港都是WTO的成員,CEPA不能違反WTO的條文,只能其基礎上增添。但香港一直以來早就奉行自由貿易,除了小部分貨品外,其他入口的都是零關稅,在服務業中,則除了某些如醫療、法律等有嚴重的保護主義傾向的外,其他的也基本上對世界開放。若說CEPA主要的性質,是內地增加對港的開放程度,而不是香港自己對內地更加開放(因早已相當開放),我相信符合事實。既然如此,我們當然很難找到理據,說CEPA對港不利。我們總不能說,內地對港不少產品不再徵收關稅,或港人可與內地合拍電影,進入到其龐大市場等等,都會拖累香港。 CEPA是一種最優惠待遇,我們能批評的,主要還是某些開放仍未足夠,港人得益尚不多,而不是開放優惠本身是壞事。至於某些港人不喜歡的「自由行」,已有六七個百分點香港的就業是靠它支撑,它帶來擁擠及其他一些問題,主要是香港政府未有發展足夠的配套設施去吸納新來的遊客,捉到鹿不懂脫角,若無「自由行」香港經濟問題更大。
台人才多 受累經濟封閉
台灣的一些人反服貿,香港也有人附和,我看他們是迷失了方向,台灣教育水準高,人才多,科技水平很好,甚至高於香港,這些我都很清楚。科技大學建校初期,加盟的資深教授多是在台長大,在美國成了大名的學者,我與這批舊同事相熟,深知他們的本事。但是,我們不要忘記,台灣的人均收入遠低過香港,大學畢業生拿到五、六千元月薪已是不錯,其大學教授的薪金,不但低於香港,與美國更是差天共地,近年連大陸也比不上,其經濟十多年來都頗為停滯,空談羨慕台灣的港人,需要自問肯不肯大幅減少自己的收入而到台灣居住。 不過,比這問題更重要得多的是要問有這麼多人才的台灣為何經濟如此差勁?我相信答案的一大部分(但不是全部),是它經濟的開放程度遠遠不及香港與新加坡,台灣有識之士也深明此理,服務協議是他們解決此問題的重要部分。至於有人說台經濟不好是因大陸在國際上的打壓,此說經不起推敲,大陸在政治外交上對台有打壓,但經貿上容忍度卻很高。 據說今次反服貿的學生領袖是台獨左翼,我反對台獨,也相信所謂在反貿易的經濟思想根本站不住腳,但有人認為台灣有民主,一白抵三醜,所以值得羨慕。我一向認同民主,但知道其局限。台灣有選擇是好事,但今次反服貿是由某些群眾一手打壓社會中經過民主程序選出來的代表,這是輸打贏要,破壞民主法治的行為,對台的傷害很大。這也印證了我多次指出過的,若一個社會撕裂,民主制度也不會運作良好。選舉中輸了的一方不會服輸,總要找機會破壞對手的施政,間中還會發動一些群眾運動,視選舉結果為無物。那麼,民主制度還有甚麼用?香港的確要總結台灣的經驗,以免今日台灣的亂局變成明天的香港。 |
58. 中國窮得只剩錢 2014-04-04 11:53:52 |
網民!=fa lun kung these are fucking religion! so Kwok mei mei is also fake? PX protest also fake?
for democracy vs dictorship, it should be top dog (US/UK/AU) vs top dog (China), underdog (Greece) vs underdog (N Korea). Also, just that China didn't have to pay a lot of the retirement entitlement yet so it seems to be a bit richer (but still a lot of debt). Greece have a lot of Civil servant with good retirement protection, that's why it's bankrupt (but greece bond yield is now multi-years low already).
French just pay cheap lip service to get advantage from China.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOmmigpPKzw |
59. 為了一萬億美元的債券美國就為你胡錦濤開個盛大派對又怎樣 2014-04-04 12:03:48 |
from the most welknown Pro-china blogger YST http://blog.udn.com/YST2000/7121130 在歐巴馬任上,胡錦濤終於為自己爭取到一個盛大排場的「國事訪問」和一個非常精緻的國宴(State Dinner),為自己的政治事業劃下“完美的”句點。胡錦濤是有很大虛榮心的,他不是一個幹實事的人,他需要美國為他辦一個閃亮的畢業典禮才能落實對自己的肯定。 呵呵呵,為了一萬億美元的債券美國就為你胡錦濤開個盛大派對又怎樣? 讓我們拉大視界,在華盛頓白宮風光派對的後面是中國農民工每年五萬根斷掉的手指和遠離家鄉打工的血淚,這就是今天號稱“為人民服務”的中國共產黨。 isn't that china have "rich" government and poor citizen. |
60. hongkong people 2014-04-04 14:37:02 |
雷敎授的貼文很是中肯,有見地,100%同意. |
61. 奴才攻擊中國,主子討好中國 2014-04-04 14:49:11 |
比利時採用最高國賓禮遇,首相迪呂波還親自到機場迎接,菲力浦國王則陪同習近平出席所有公開活動。 |
62. 路人2 2014-04-04 14:54:14 |
to: 58 中國是美國最大的債主呀! 美國是西式民主,中國是中式民主! 看看你主子英國如何對待中國? 卡梅倫率領英國龐大的代表團2日至4日到中國訪問,其成員包括商界、教育界及政府的多位部長。卡梅倫說,“這種規模是前所未有的”。 …… 2012年,在全球貿易全面下降的環境下,中英兩國的貿易額達到了631億美元,比上一年增長7.5%。卡梅倫介紹,在過去18個月當中,從中國來的投資超過了前30年的總和。 “現在有500多家中國公司已經在英國落戶”,卡梅倫說,英國對來自中國的留學生數量和投資均“不設上限”,中國的投資將進入英國的希斯羅機場、曼徹斯特機場等基礎設施。 卡梅倫認為在投資和貿易方面,中國的機遇巨大,“中產”群體所創造的市場超過整個歐盟各單一市場的總和。 “今天早上看到的路虎、捷豹汽車,還有噴氣式飛機,希望這些產品能夠在不同的平臺上出現”,卡梅倫“推銷”英國的產品不僅有物質產品,還有“電影、電視、音樂、遊戲”等“英國具有特殊才華”的精神產品。 卡梅倫此次率領的“史上規模最大”代表團成員超過120位工商領袖,來自諸多領域,包括工程和製造、建築業、文化創意產業、教育、能源、金融和專業服務、食品、資訊通信技術、基礎設施等領域,甚至還有一位英超球隊的副總裁。 |
63. 路人2 2014-04-04 14:58:40 |
to 59 樓: 你說: "isn't that china have "rich" government and poor citizen" 歐美都歡迎中國國民去旅遊消費喔!中國民眾"豪"得令他們驚訝喔! \中國國民富有的很多,你訪問下香港自由行的內地旅客! |
64. to 路人 2014-04-04 16:11:06 |
>中國是美國最大的債主呀! that's stupid! Don't you read news? or just masturate with exciting old news? The biggest us debt holder is the Fed not China! It took China 30 years, loads of pollution and death to get what the fed can do in a few years. Can China file bankruptcy for US? Also No! it can only dump US debt, that may cause some global financial turmoil with some yield spike, but all those china corporations issued USD bond (aka, all the property developers) will go bankrupt. After that the Fed can do another QE again if the US hedge buy back enough of the china assets, then china will essentially the colony of the west like Asia in 97.
比利時,英國treating china well? quote from YST again, you better read again, and he is pro-china anyway so you should have less of cognitive dissonance. "呵呵呵,為了一萬億美元的債券美國就為你胡錦濤開個盛大派對又怎樣? " not to mention that they actually despise the CCP regime in heart.
those are so call "rich" chinese are already the 1 % (e.g. wife and son of corrupted china officials) in china, and their wealth are the blood of poor china citizen. The ccp gov just picked all the low-hanging fruit (borrow money for infrastructure) with a lot of debt (and fake data of low-inflation) to achieve the superficial wealth.
65. 你主子自身難保,你還有臉攻擊中國 2014-04-07 09:11:33 |
to 64, 你主子負債累累,自身難保,討好中國,你還有臉攻擊中國。 |
66. 看看你主子講乜? 2014-04-07 09:37:29 |
澳大利亞《會話》雜誌:好得令人難以置信:權衡澳大利亞與中國的密切經貿往來 澳大利亞《會話》雜誌網站3月18日文章 去年澳大利亞對華貨物出口額達到944億澳元,使中國成為澳貨物出口最重要單一目的地。同樣,中國也是澳服務出口最重要目的地:2012至2013年間對華出口67億澳元。 越來越多評論家開始琢磨這些資料的負面影響,即澳大利亞是否已過於依賴中國?他們一再表達對中國房市瀕臨崩潰的憂慮,或擔心影子銀行體系倒塌、地方政府普遍債務違約。但請放心,我們大可以輕鬆而非恐慌的心情看待與日俱增的對華出口。 大多數國家擔心過於依賴對某個國家產品的進口,如歐洲國家之於俄天然氣,而澳大利亞與中國來往最密切的是出口領域。去年,澳對華貨物出口是從中國進口的兩倍,中國或應擔心過於依賴“澳方的天然氣”,而不是相反。 儘管存在所謂多樣化和“兩面下注”的說法,但這些投資分配的概念並不太適用於貿易領域。真正的問題在於,澳對華貿易加強是否對澳更有利,抑或截然相反?答案幾乎肯定是前者。這已在全球金融危機期間得到明確驗證,而且國際經濟機構預測,至少在未來10年內,中國的增速將遠高於任何經合組織成員國。 中國最近公佈的資料或令評論家和金融市場抓狂,但除對某些消費者和商家的信心產生一些模糊影響外,對總體需求幾乎無任何直接影響。 如果中國經濟增速放緩,那麼澳元也將隨之貶值,並有助於提振澳經濟中非採礦業領域。至少從目前的宏觀經濟層面而言,澳對華密集出口以及與之相關的對華依賴,絕對是一個好消息。 |
67. 《悉尼先驅晨報》: 中國仍將會在2020年底前超過美國經濟 2014-04-07 09:39:57 |
《悉尼先驅晨報》: 中國仍將會在2020年底前超過美國經濟 澳大利亞《悉尼先驅晨報》3月24日報導,… 中國領導人早已發出信號,其對於經濟增長目標的定位愈發複雜精細。因此,超出或略低於對外宣佈的7.5%這一增長目標幾個百分點不會讓中國陣腳大亂。 … 過去幾年PMI的走低幾乎沒給中國更廣泛的工業生產造成麻煩。低於50的PMI就意味著中國在放緩? 很長時間以來,我都試圖用一個簡單的例子解釋更宏大的背景。我認為,200的7%要比100的10%多40%。 安保資本首席經濟學家謝恩·奧立佛提供了真實的數位。中國經濟現在的規模幾乎是2007年時的兩倍。因此,現在中國經濟7%的增長相當於7年前13%的增長。 鑒於中國經濟的龐大規模,經濟增速是7.2%,還是7.5%抑或7.6%,根本沒有太大區別。儘管經濟增速必將在未來數年內穩定下降,中國仍將在2020年底前超過美國成為世界最大經濟體。 |
68. do you understand gdp 2014-04-07 12:29:36 |
I am just a un-brainwashed observer with better understanding on figures.. I think those brainwashed people are real 奴才。
china gdp number is based on a 2 % inflation, do you believe it? if the real inflation is 7% (which is the data from 中國社科院), china real gdp growth is only 2-3% a year.
金融業的股票, 其營運模式在於國人容易受騙, 當人們變得聰明, 其護城河就會消失。中國的數十年反經濟學理論高速增長, 其實是一個騙局。全世界的GDP,都是減去通漲率的, 中國的都不例外。中國的M2去年是14%, 之前每年14-20%, 人工每年增長10-15%, 大家想想香港在每年加人工10-15%的那些年, 通漲是多少。你去內地問一問, 有沒有人感受到通漲真的升2-3%一年? 如果有分析員的財務模型敢用3%的通漲率, 應該很好要努力找工作。中國的GDP, 造假的最主要地方是在通漲率。地方造假最多1-2%, 中央計通漲公式造假, 至少6-8%。公式做假的重災區, 是房屋, 大陸假設大部份人都是住在自己的房屋, 所以不用計租金, 農民工呢, 沒資料不計, 仍當他們在家種田, 直到2011年, 房屋只是占CPI 13%, 之前10年housing CPI 間累計只升8%!http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1296018/official-manipulation-adds-10-cent-chinas-gdp |
69. 看看你主子在做乜? 2014-04-11 08:07:58 |
歐洲爭當人民幣離岸中心 4月1日電 人民幣國際化加速,歐洲多個國家將其視為“一塊肥肉”,趁習近平訪歐期間,爭取能做人民幣離岸中心。專家指,歐洲人民幣離岸中心將進入多元時代,未來五六年人民幣國際化應步入一個快速爆發式增長期。但中國須拿捏好自己的尺度。 文章分析稱,近日,人民幣國際化在歐洲頻傳好消息,先是中英簽署人民幣清算和結算協定,將在倫敦設立人民幣清算銀行,此前倫敦已獲800億元(人民幣,下同)的RQFII(人民幣合格境外機構投資者)試點額度。隨後,德國央行又在上週五與人行簽署類似協定,同樣準備設立一家人民幣清算行。此外,法國巴黎上周亦獲得800億元RQFII額度,並與中方商討建立人民幣清算行安排。 英德法相繼發力 將開啟多元時代 中國外匯投資研究院院長譚雅玲指出,德法等國爭搶人民幣國際化業務,與歐洲經濟目前不景氣有直接關係。而英國作為全球金融中心,也需要人民幣這一品種,“歐洲市場有需求,中國亦有推進人民幣國際化的意願,雙方是不謀而合。” |
70. 你勁過李紅痣,任你講?! 2014-04-11 08:11:12 |
to 68: 中國很多地方為拿國家支援,刻意報低gdp喔! 世界各國,世界銀行……都採用中國數據。 你勁過李紅痣呀!?任你講 |
71. 奴才在攻擊中國,主子在討好中國 2014-04-11 08:13:22 |
| 法國為了招待習近平, 在凡爾賽宮上演古典歌劇, 連8條車道的香榭麗舍大街也一整天封閉。 | |
72. 路人 2014-04-11 10:31:10 |
to 59 樓: 你說: "isn't that china have "rich" government and poor citizen" 歐美都歡迎中國國民去旅遊消費喔!中國民眾"豪"得令他們驚訝喔! \中國國民富有的很多,你訪問下香港自由行的內地旅客! |
73. 希臘失業率攀升至28% 史上新高 2014-04-14 08:17:13 |
你主子自身難保,你還有臉攻擊中國? 歐盟12 月的失業率為 12% 希臘失業率攀升至28% 史上新高 青年失業率61.4% 2014-02-14 12:30:12 《BBC》報導,根據歐盟官方數字,12 月的失業率為 12%。 根據希臘政府最新公布數據,希臘 11 月失業率達到 28%,達到史上新高,較上個月的 27.7% 再上升,25 歲以下的青年失業率,更高達 61.4%。由於希臘採取嚴厲的緊縮政策,已經造成 4 年來經濟逐季萎縮……。 希臘目前的失業率為歐元區平均值的 2 倍以上。根據歐盟官方數字,12 月的失業率為 12%。 |
74. 路人 2014-04-30 08:31:52 |
to 59 樓: 你說: "isn't that china have "rich" government and poor citizen" 歐美都歡迎中國國民去旅遊消費喔!中國民眾"豪"得令他們驚訝喔! \中國國民富有的很多,你訪問下香港自由行的內地旅客! 法國為吸中國遊客 外長親自接機 2014年4月30日【本報綜合報道】法國外長法比尤斯為向巴黎人親身示範待客之道,周一早上親赴巴黎戴高樂國際機場,迎接從北京前來的中國遊客。不過,未知是否法比尤斯在中國的知名度太低,竟然完全沒有中國遊客認出他。 沒有中國遊客認出他 法比尤斯當日向在場傳媒表示,機場是遊客們首次接觸法國的地方,故做好一切準備歡迎他們是非常重要。他其後與抵埗的中國遊客握手,並以法語說:「歡迎來到法國!」但該些中國遊客對法比尤斯前來毫無頭緒,更有人以英文問道:「他是誰?」 中國遊客對法國經濟的重要性上升,統計顯示每年有約一百五十萬名中國遊客到訪法國,人均消費約一萬四千港元。有見及此,法國政府正計劃解禁,讓巴黎甚至全國遊客區的商戶一周七日皆能營業,增強競爭力。根據當地現時法例,商戶除非在特殊情況下否則周日不准營業。 |
75. HAHA 2014-04-30 11:33:51 |
76. 路人 2014-05-15 13:32:24 |