Real Estate Situation More...
The meat grinder is slowly killing the developers
Since July, the property market is going from bad to worse. The first-hand properties market is no exception. The developer in Kai Tak opened for sales its own project with the costing price. Typic...
Peter Wong More...
Why Nannies Make Hong Kong the Greatest among Nylonkong?
U.S. stock markets are making record highs and commodity prices rebound substantially despite the Omicron threat. With WTI hovering above $70, the trend of commodity prices continued to show streng...
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The superb buyers’ bargaini... Trznsactions decline 2...
The superb buyers’ bargaini... Refinancing is a way t...
The superb buyers’ bargaini... Overall transactions a...
The superb buyers’ bargaini... Noah move to a 30,000 ...
Cheung Kong will determine ... Annual flat supply tar...
Cheung Kong will determine ... Overwhelming response ...
Cheung Kong will determine ... Sales agreement figure...
Property prices will cascad... Student accommondation...
Property prices will cascad... Sale and purchase agre...
Property prices will cascad... HK banks are expected ...
The massive depreciation of... total retail sales dec...
The massive depreciation of... light public housing r...
The massive depreciation of... Tenants in retail spac...
The massive depreciation of... HK Land nvest $3.1b to...
It is one-way ticket to rej... Rents remained under d...
It is one-way ticket to rej... Tender prices' con...
It is one-way ticket to rej... Tenants in prime retai...
The middle class returns to... Hong Kong's econom...
The middle class returns to... TePrime retail spaces ...
The middle class returns to... Hong Kong is the world...
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