Real Estate Situation More...
The Indian Summer of property market dominates prices to rise or fall in coming year
As the new year is coming, the government's fiscal deficit continues to remain high at over HK$ 100 billion as from land revenue has dropped significantly. This year of the land revenue has decreas...
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24/12 Convert... The emerging trend of converting unde...
24/12 New hom... New home inventory is expected to bal...
Peter Wong More...
Why Nannies Make Hong Kong the Greatest among Nylonkong?
U.S. stock markets are making record highs and commodity prices rebound substantially despite the Omicron threat. With WTI hovering above $70, the trend of commodity prices continued to show streng...
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The Indian Summer of proper... Converting distressed ...
The Indian Summer of proper... New home inventory is ...
The top five prognosis of p... HK GDP may grow 2.1% i...
The top five prognosis of p... Hk property prices con...
The top five prognosis of p... New home inventory wil...
The top five prognosis of p... HK hse price index edg...
The deprecation of RMB will... Grade A office are pro...
The deprecation of RMB will... HK housing price index...
The deprecation of RMB will... Billionaires’ wealth f...
The deprecation of RMB will... New home inventory is ...
Hong Kong’s economy will be... Land premium revenue h...
Hong Kong’s economy will be... Hzlf Hk consumers anti...
Hong Kong’s economy will be... The Land Registry repo...
Hong Kong’s economy will be... interest rate cuts boo...
Hong Kong’s economy will be... October residential pr...
Hong Kong’s economy will be... Developers Developers ...
The painful slump in The Gr... Global players to expa...
The painful slump in The Gr... Hong Kongers lie flat ...
The painful slump in The Gr... Riches do not have pla...
The property investment str... Grade A office vacancy...
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