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                - 來自中國駐加拿大大使盧沙野的評論。






              - 來自約翰.塔姆尼(John Tamny)的評論。






                         - 來自讀者A君。


None of the CEOs or CFOs of these sanction-busting banks were arrested and taken into custody for these violations. In all of these cases, the corporation rather than an individual manager was held accountable. Nor were they held accountable for the pervasive lawbreaking in the lead-up to or aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, for which the banks paid a staggering US$243 billion in fines, according to a recent tally. In light of this record, Ms. Mengs arrest is a shocking break with practice. Yes, hold CEOs and CFOs accountable but start at home in order to avoid hypocrisy, self-interest disguised as high principle and the risk of inciting a new global conflict.

Quite transparently, the U.S. action against Ms. Meng really seems to be part of the Trump administrations broader attempt to undermine Chinas economy by imposing tariffs, closing Western markets to Chinese high-technology exports and blocking Chinese purchases of U.S. and European technology companies. One can say, without exaggeration, that this is part of an economic war on China and a reckless one at that.

Huawei is one of Chinas most important technology companies and therefore a prime target in the Trump administrations effort to slow or stop Chinas advance into several high-technology sectors. Americas motivations in this economic war are partly commercial to protect and favour laggard U.S. companies and partly geopolitical. They certainly have nothing to do with upholding the international rule of law.

The U.S. appears to be trying to target Huawei especially because of the companys success in marketing cutting-edge 5G technologies globally. The U.S. claims the company poses a specific security risk through hidden surveillance capabilities in its hardware and software. Yet the U.S. government has provided no evidence for this claim.

The unprecedented arrest of Ms. Meng is even more provocative because it is based on U.S. extra-territorial sanctions that is, the claim by the U.S. that it can order other countries to stop trading with third parties such as Cuba or Iran. The U.S. would certainly not tolerate China or any other country telling American companies with whom they can or cannot trade.

Sanctions regarding non-national parties (such as U.S. sanctions on a Chinese business) should not be enforced by one country alone, but according to agreements reached within the United Nations Security Council. In that regard, UN Security Council Resolution 2231 calls on all countries to drop sanctions on Iran as part of the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement. Yet the United States. and only the United States now rejects the Security Councils role in such matters. The Trump administration, not Huawei or China, is todays greatest threat to the international rule of law, and therefore to global peace.

             - 來自Jeffrey D. Sachs,最切中要害的評論和指責。





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