1. 真真薯片 2018-03-19 09:38:52 |
好似機器要keep住用一樣, 人係要keep住做野勞動先會長命, 香港人命苦, 好多人80歲仲執緊紙皮, 但係日日勞動, 想死都死唔到
反而d先進國家福利太好, 老左日日趴係度睇電視食pizza, 反而死得早
補多句, 如果比較市區高尚地段新樓樓價, 新加坡連香港車尾燈都見唔到 |
2. Johnny 2018-03-19 10:32:07 |
完全讚同1F |
3. 樓市初哥 2018-03-19 10:59:01 |
I think our long life expectancy is more related to easy access for general public to comprehensive health care at minimal coat. Our efficient transport and small land size means medical emergency can be treated promptly.
Citizens can also have specialist treatment easily. Other areas in the world, people may have to travel for hours before they can seek specialist help |
4. 樓市初哥 2018-03-19 10:59:48 |
minimal cost |
5. Hongkong People 2018-03-19 11:22:30 |
Singapore has only half the size of HK, accessibility to hospital is no difference as HK. The major the difference is the medical cost and the quality and comprehensiveness of public health system. Singapore is no way near HK. |
6. 星加坡人冇胆講眞話 2018-03-19 11:48:10 |
一個連不投票的自由都没有的地方,你要求佢地夠胆講自己不快樂? 亜州最快樂是北韓人,第二快樂的是星加坡人。 |
7. 天大的笑話報? 2018-03-19 11:59:02 |
自由是快樂的先決條件。星加坡人肯定自己享有比香港人多的自己? 星加坡廢青夠在Orchard Road 叫反對政府口號兼打警察?肥佬黎敢去星加坡辦報? |
8. 有感而發者 2018-03-19 12:07:15 |
我十分同意香港人的快樂指數是低的, 單看政治訜争, 日日炒炒鬧鬧, 正經應做的事做不到, 成日發洩不滿乜不滿物, 那會快樂呢 ! 我和相識的人都盡可能不談政事, 免不愉快收場啊. |
9. 樓市初哥 2018-03-19 12:31:23 |
thanks for sharing. What I want to bring up is that happiness is not related to life expectancy.
I think happiness has different levels. Basic level depends on social security, sheltered home, absence of war and famine and for some people democracy.
Deeper level is what's within and your faith.
10. 十一哥 2018-03-19 12:37:58 |
11. Luk Luk 2018-03-19 13:16:47 |
2015年的排名,星加玻排第三: Hong Kong 84.28 years Japan 83.84 years
前幾年出入老人院多,發覺長命不一定是好事。 |
12. 說得對 2018-03-19 19:38:02 |
同意一樓C Hing |
13. PC 2018-03-20 08:10:34 |
長壽只因地方细,快到醫院 |
14. Hong Kong citizen 2018-03-20 12:01:51 |
Well said, 1/F. Agree with you.
15. 巴 2018-03-20 23:22:35 |
壽命係一種滯后數据 的而且確香港各方面都差緊,除左樓價 |