CY, you are son of a bitch. 99,9% Hong Kong people (of course, excluding 2/F.) support you to go to hell immediately. Please stop to damage the future of Hong Kong!!!!!!
Please also stop to pay for the idiot like 2/F to pretend to support you!!!!
Yes, I agree with you in certain ways. But at the same time, I'm also a property investor, holding several units to beat the inflation here. I know life is very difficult if you don't know how to make your first fortune in HK(that's why most people choose property 1st) Even we're doing abit better than majority, I'm also afraid of all factors like most people, one day I got kicked out from job market, got sick, no positive cash flow while my kid is still young bla bla bla. Worst of all, I'll live too long with not enough to spend.........
That's why we'll need to plan ahead to choose efficient tools to help you achieve certain financial goals, so happen keeping a few properties that generate positive cash flow is so far by now a good way to have passive income. We're not trying to interfere tha market, the market runs by itself & if you don't have rich parents to back you up like most of the buddies here. You either have to work extra-hard, or live a humble way to be able to have that much savings.
A simple example, a family taking Gov. subsidies may have dim sum 5-6 times a week whether it's a cheaper tea time or weekend, while we have to work we most likely have 1-2 times a week only......We simply don't wanna put too much of our time/money in enjoying life while we still have other goals to accomplish!
最新國際房價負擔能力報告(Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey)顯示,香港樓價為360個城市當中最難以負擔。事實上,去年9月《經濟學人》的報告亦顯示,香港現時樓價較歷史平均值高84%,泡沫指數冠絕全球;而該雜誌本月被的報告則顯示,香港樓價去年全年9.7%,升幅次於美國及巴西。
Why public Housing in Hong Kong is so cheap? I just it cost 1 thousand-ish per month and sometimes are free? Over 40% of HongKongnese are living there? Oh my god! What a paradise!
We are extremely disapointed about your recent ranking about the affordability of Hong Kong Housing. Please consider there are around 40% of Hong Kong people living in public housing in Hong Kong and most of those apartment cost only around HKD$1000 per month!! Yes, it's around HKD$1000! not USD$1000!! Please be more professional!
It is no doubt that the Policy Address should give hands for the disables, long-term patients and those who has difficulty in learning/living for a while if there is Budget Surplus. However, CY has given a wrong signal to the community !
As mentioned by the Secretary, these supports are for people living between the lifeline and the income of the lower-middle class Plus Assets Assessment & Incomes Audit. CY should further explain whether the policy can let people go downward or upward.The concerned people may continuously spend and to keep their assets & incomes just between the lines set by you all guys in order to obtain the subsidies in life. Are they finally be trapped ? Is it a wishful thinking ? How's about the middle class and the upper-middle class ? Is there any stimulus for economic strutures to enlarge the cake ? Where is the current population policy ?
Once again, CY did not participate the Cityforum by the RTHK on 19 Jan 2014 Sunday. One secondary school student was worried about the tendency and the sustainability...
The private homeowners actually prepaid the heavy tax when they bought the flats for family members. Who takes care of their retirement /maintainance costs ? Are you punishing the hardworking people ?
39. mini 2014-01-21 20:16:07
Is it a Poverty Address or Poor Address ? The answer is on the white board !
Sorry but I cannot agree with you about a "attainable property price". If you remember during college education and / or read some history, you might well understand no one can "control" the economy, as strong as Soviet Union in the past! So, how can we, a small city as HK, make the property price to an attainable level without hurting the economy or other stake holder in the society? Remember, if you help someone, you might as well hurt someone. Is it fair? Besides, how is your criteria of "attainable level", or what is the standard of our government?
About the university grads salary, I believe there are 2 perspective, whether you are coming from the really good one or Tier 3, and if you really work hard. I lead a few team of marketing staff, some of them coming from HK Poly / CUHK, while others from HKXX, XXXHK...etc. or overseas Tier 3 college, they really have different performance and attitude. It is very true that an university degree doesn't guarantee you something, especially today there is an abundant supply of degree holders. Nowadays, a degree holder is equivalent to a high school graduate 20 years ago! You cannot blame the others or you are just too dependent! Come on, they received university education and become a dependent right afterwards? We need to compete, to survive, to lead our society and to provide tax income to our government. This is middle class!
See the records made by Miss Lee Wai Sze ! What she tells 7.1 million citizens is that if you find your interests/targets, just do it !Her stories also let you know that everything takes time !
Like many american, Do What You Can Do ! If you want to be rich, you can be rich ! However, money is just part of life...