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1. PETER PAKER 2012-05-04 11:42:26
New i-Bond will be issued by HK Govt later on, according to the presentation of govt fiscal budget.  Once announced, I will subscribe with all my available cash balances.
2. 螢火虫 2012-05-04 12:04:11

現在買樓是“用晒子彈+成身債” + 放棄 底位”入貨,

供樓少過交租??  3-5成首期唔係錢???

現時 "樓波”正在越吹越漲,



又要借錢(如股票孖展), 不是人人可以!  下車又是難事


3. 吃午膳的人 2012-05-04 12:05:00
4. Sugar 2012-05-04 12:08:22

Dr Tong,thanks for your sharing.

I've also earned over 2.5 mil  started from around 120000 HKD these few years thro investing the property market(but mainly the mainland market).

Now I face the same problem,feeling no dierction at all with plenty of cash in hand.I've been investing  in the local stock market.Though I earn ~ 50000 HKD luckily,the comdition is getting worse...so,maybe I should buy some i-bond instead.

I also suggest RMB fixed deposit in mainland.It's 3.5%/ yr.

5. Sugar 2012-05-04 12:08:27

Dr Tong,thanks for your sharing.

I've also earned over 2.5 mil  started from around 120000 HKD these few years thro investing the property market(but mainly the mainland market).

Now I face the same problem,feeling no dierction at all with plenty of cash in hand.I've been investing  in the local stock market.Though I earn ~ 50000 HKD luckily,the comdition is getting worse...so,maybe I should buy some i-bond instead.

I also suggest RMB fixed deposit in mainland.It's 3.5%/ yr.

6. sky 2012-05-04 12:15:36
Interest rate for two years' fixed deposit in mainland bank is 4.4%.
7. 又學到野喇 2012-05-04 13:02:11



8. CK 2012-05-04 13:24:20

To 6.

"Interest rate for two years' fixed deposit in mainland bank is 4.4%."Tha

May I know which HK bank can process this offer ? Thanks. 

9. 小妹 2012-05-04 14:30:32
湯博士有否私人電郵地址, 小妹有一些物業前景問題欲博士給予意見, 謝!
10. 政經關係 2012-05-04 15:38:12




11. 大妹 2012-05-04 15:50:19
12. 大妹 2012-05-04 16:17:54


13. 政政關係 2012-05-04 16:35:00

TO: 10


14. JOC 2012-05-04 17:22:42

咩嘢都假,揾多D錢最實際;正研究兩個揾大錢項目有興趣Add我詳談,skype: joc0206 , QQ: 1736615307

15. JOC 2012-05-04 17:22:42

咩嘢都假,揾多D錢最實際;正研究兩個揾大錢項目有興趣Add我詳談,skype: joc0206 , QQ: 1736615307

16. anggie T. 2012-05-04 17:44:54

Totally agree with Dr. Tong this time for reasonable advice for young investors.  Making money is not easy & so as investing, the market is changing every minute.  Good to learn from exp. ones.

Everyone has a diff. answer & approach as to how to handle/invest their money, I advised my parents to sell their apartment that they already made a profit of over 10M, for them, it's big money, it's better to play safe of course.......

Invest in the area/segment that you know well.....Old saying but very true!!!

17. PETER PAKER 2012-05-04 19:58:47

Dear Dr. Tong,


The price of old i-Bond (code: 4208) is $107.55.  Given the coupon is $100 and 5 - 6% interest rate, the effective yield of i-Bond is less than 0.X% p.a. (less than 0.5%.  I am lazy and don't want to calculate).   There is no meat to eat if the investors buy at $107.55.


Hence, please don't buy 4208 now.  The effective yield may be a little bit higher than bank saving rate.

18. TED 2012-05-05 10:48:18

Long term everything rises. Investing in stockmarket got 2 risks: one is that you may choose bad stocks that lack behind the market and second you may get nervous by daily price fluctuations manufactured by hedge funds and sell what you originally bought for long term and then you hold cash again without any investment from time to time. Buying or investing in properties overcomes these problem. Firstly you saw the property and compared the prices before you bet on it unlike stocks even you read their balance sheets but how much is true. Secondly you hold the properties everyday to gain its price rise and even the property market corrects prices go down and nobody buys your properties you can still get rental yield. In fact it is good when there is no buyer during recession that makes you still hold the right properties and not cash. When the business cycle rebound property orices shoot up again. This is a 100% full time investment to gain the 100% full time rise.   

19. Gorcott 2012-05-05 18:36:56

Greeting Dr. Tong,

Thank you for your response.  I really appreciate the advice you have given me, "不熟不做". 

I will wait for the new ibond and focus on my own business.



20. 80's passerby 2012-05-06 12:11:19


I-bond would be inherently short of supply which reflected to its premium to the market price. Popular, as it is subsidied by Gov funding to certain extent.  Lucrative only in initial market, but not in secondary market as its price should have reflected all expected factors to maturity upon trading.

Taking above as a whole, i-bone  does not help to the issue.

21. 人到中年 2012-05-08 11:36:41
這個題目很實際, 沒有"絕對"指路, 只有天知地知我們不知..往後經濟會如何; 本人是教授題目的類別, 但只不是年青已到40; 錢來得不易, 但又不甘心只作 RMB / IBOND 等 X% 的回報, 認為我余下能掙錢的日子也許不多於 10-15年, 如不好好把握那時光飛逝只會留下"後悔"; 只是另一邊箱心裡亦有擔心如賠了老本更悔不當初?? 那實該如何走??? 這正是一個人人交叉點..大題目是也!
22. 賤黑商人 2013-01-21 14:01:58
世紀21物業(將軍澳)經理曾志雄表示,上述單位屬銀主盤,銀行原開價285萬元,惟同類大單位供應少,故最終加價至298.3萬元沽出。雖然上述成交價屬全港公屋最貴,惟區內同類型居屋入場價至少350萬元,wing lee wai 1876,賤蟹人大閘蟹賤男程超豪00852 93189344上環永利。